Have You Had The Moment When You See Yourself Naked and You're OK With It?



  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    lmhbuss wrote: »
    I used to hate what I saw in the mirror and then I read a simple statement. "Beauty is not your job. It isn't something you owe to anyone. It is not the rent you pay to justify your existence." It was something I needed to read. Now, (and it took me a long time) I am ok with how I look. Is it perfect? Yes, perfectly functional. Is it magazine pretty? The furthest thing from it. It's my body. It doesn't have to look any particular way. I am pursuing weight loss because I want to be healthy. Yes, being closer to the socially acceptable aesthetic is a nice plus, but at the end of the day I had to learn to be ok with myself before I was capable of the confidence necessary to do what is necessary to take good care of this not VS Model body. You see it on these forums all the time " I want to work out at the gym...but people might look at me." " I want to swim at the Y, but can't bare the thought of being seen in a swimsuit." As though being pretty is a requirement for leaving the house or something. As if people would have the right to judge or be cruel if someone doesn't measure up to some photo shopped image. For myself, I was only able to achieve "Screw it! I'm going to go lift weights" once I decided that I was ok no matter what I looked like. It made achieving health and fitness results a lot easier, and (while I still have those days of self loathing) it made me much happier in general.

    Love this!! Ty :)
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Not yet, but my in-laws caught me naked skinny dipping in their swimming pool, and are suing me for emotional distress.

    Bahahaha!! This made me LOL!!! Mine would certainly sue me as well!!
  • lizzy_satellite
    lizzy_satellite Posts: 112 Member
    Nearly. I had the moment where I tried on my first two-piece swimsuit and thought 'yup, I could definitely wear this in public today'.
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    I got some "sexy" pictures done about a year ago. My weight was high at the time. But it gave me a whole new perspective and I love my naked body.
  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    Great idea. And I believe all ladies should purchase AND wear some cute lingerie.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Nopeople, not once! Probably won't get to that point, you can only undo so much damage.
  • ChrisR0se
    ChrisR0se Posts: 1,855 Member
    Lord no!! Clothing is not optional, wear that *kitten* like sunscreen!!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Yes, finally, just a few months ago. After 3 kids my body has kind of been through the wringer. But about a month into losing (again) i looked in the mirror and thought 'hey, this is ok, i can work with this'. And work with it I have. It's been 3 months since that happened, and now I look every day, and what I see keeps getting better!
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    OK with it? Yes, because it is a vast improvement. (30 pounds down and 4 inches off the waist) Completely satisfied? Are we ever?
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Last time I was at 150lb and was working out vigilantly. I'm at 166lb right now, and I honestly don't think I look too bad sometimes. Depends on the day, really. I'll have days where I'm like "Oh my god I'm so cute" and days where I think I look disgusting. 150lb was happy every day though.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited April 2016
    I doubt I'll ever get to the point where I'm completely OK with what I see, but at least nowadays I can look at myself and think, "This doesn't suck as much as before."
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    Never. I am not looking if the lights are on. Too many flaws that cannot be fixed, even with surgery.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Yep. Finally at 48 ,with more sagging than ever before in my life, I think I look fabulous. I spent decades thinking I was fat, hating my body, wringing my hands, blah, blah, blah... I am taking better care of myself physically than I ever have (which helps my mental and emotional state tremendously). And I finally have enough wisdom to know that I am incredibly fortunate to have a body that is strong and healthy and given some time and training, it will do pretty much whatever I ask of it. Not everyone can say that.

    I also have two out of three daughters still living at home. None of them is of the skinny variety, nor will they ever be, but they are all strong. It's very important to me that they see me loving and appreciating the body I was born with, taking good care of it, and enjoying what it can do.

    I don't have room in my life for self-loathing anymore. I wasted too much time on that in my teens, 20s and 30s. To me, I look fantastic. I don't care what anybody else thinks :heart:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    its more of a, "that'll do pig that'll do"
  • jmidd97
    jmidd97 Posts: 84 Member
    For the first time ever....yes. Last night, right before I took a shower after swimming 2 kilometers. It was amazing, one of the best feelings ever. Just stood there hugging myself, grinning like an idiot. :D
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Hasn't happened yet. Probably won't until after I've made it to goal weight, then still would need a tummy tuck. Maybe then...
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I have always loved my body and thought I looked good in the mirror. It wasn't until I saw a photo of overweight me that I realized I had gained a bit too much weight.
    After losing 30 lbs, doing some exercise, and losing most of my tummy I look better than I did 20 years ago, and have the confidence to wear a bikini again. Forty years after I last wore one.

    @janet6567 at 62 my grandchild is one of my main motivators too.

    Cheers, h.