Is 1200 Calories Enough?

Hey MFP :) I've been eating roughly 1200 calories a day (+ exercise calories here and there) for several weeks because that is what MFP recommended when I put in my stats. But lately I'm reading that 1200 is far too little if I want to maintain my muscle and lose weight healthily... my settings are sedentary as I don't have an active job . I don't lie in bed all day, I move about a bit, but it seemed reasonable since I'm not on my feet most of the time. Will this be harmful to my body in any way? I'm looking to lose fat and tone up. This has been working for me, but some people say that I will lose muscle also on a 1200 cal diet...

any thoughts on this?
thanks :)



  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I customized my calorie intake settings to 1550. I'm 5'4

    Much like you I would consider myself sedentary but I do get up and walk around etc during my daily routine. I tend to eat back 60-80% of my exercise calories (I wear a HRM).

    1200 is too little for my metabolism to keep pumping. Trying increasing to 1300 and see how you do over the course of a month.
  • tetedezz6
    tetedezz6 Posts: 1
    Im set to take in 1200 calories a day 2. But honestly it was perfect for me because im on the slim fast diet and with the diet that's wht I take in. I don't see why 1200 calories would be 2 little but it does depend on your body. Im only 4"11 so 1200 is just enought for me.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Alrighty, just changed my daily calorie intake to 1300 :) thanks!
  • MissDwood
    MissDwood Posts: 108 Member
    I totally understand what you are saying! My calories are set at 1500 right now, but most days I'm barely reaching 1200 calories. Somedays I am just not hungry or already fill full. To up my calories I have added things like nuts to diary. I would say 1200 is too low because I have been doing this for 100 days and only lost 13 lbs. A lot of my mfp friends are telling me you have to eat more in order to weigh less lol especially when I'm burning 300-600 calories a day! So I say eat more :)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Took a peak at your page.. I think 1200-1300 is pretty reasonable for you. You don't have that much weight to lose. If you don't want to lose muscle just do more strength training. Make sure you're eating your exercise calories though. Not just here and there but make a habit of doing it every day.
  • superglue34
    1200 is your base - if you are doing cardio you need to fuel that with about 100 calories (protein plus a carb i.e. string cheese with blueberries).
    If you are weightlifting you need to fuel the exercise prior to with about 100 calories (protein plus a carb) and then do about 100 calories (protein only i.e. a shake) after working out. you do not count your exercise calories to your total.
    To maintain muscle you really have to get in enough protein, or you will lose muscle mass.
  • baconsteak
    You should be considering your net calories if you are exercising regularly. Do you use this site to track your exercise? Many others will post here and say that you need to eat more and they are probably right, but the only way to find out is to add a couple hundred calories and see what happens with your body in a few weeks. Also, if you’re looking to maintain your muscle mass while losing weight you should be concerned about your protein levels as well. If you don’t keep them up you will lose muscle while losing weight, which will work against your goals. Good luck!
  • tropicalicyicy
    tropicalicyicy Posts: 83 Member
    i don't think it is for me. I was set at that for the past 2 months and lost 20 lbs, they came off fast at first but it's slowing down now. i was set at losing 2 lbs/week and it's not happening anymore. just today i decided to change my my goal to lose 1 lb/week and i'm up to 1460 calories now. i just felt like i wasn't even losing 2 lbs/week anymore and i was always really hungry at night and didn't even have calories i could eat. i'm hoping by doing this it will confuse my body and i start losing weight a little faster again, i've heard that works. btw i'm 5'4 if that means anything.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    In the past few days, I've upped mine from 1200 to 1600 and already lost 2 pounds.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Thanks for the replies and awesome advice guys! :) I upped it 100 calories. Small change but we'll see how it goes for now. I'll keep logging my exercise and eating the calories back if I'm still hungry or craving food :)
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I am five four, and set my goal at 1.5 pound weight loss a week. The program also had me at 1200 calories. I never feel hungry, but have only lost 4 pounds in four weeks. I think just being aware of how much I eat have been a benefit. After reading this, I am considering upping my caloric intake (even though it seems counterintutitive)
  • RebeccaIngham
    RebeccaIngham Posts: 28 Member
    Mine is set at just over 1200 too, but that, realistically, is probably a little too low. Women shouldn't go below 1200 at the minimum, because below that, we hit that famine state & our bodies will hold onto fat & use the muscle for nourishment. And our muscle is key to keep our metabolism up! So if you feel that the 1200 is too low, even after adding the calories from working out, definitely up your calorie intake. I think I'm going to go do just that right now! :)