I Can FINALLY do a Proper Form Push Up!

Pretty much the title. It's probably a little thing for most people but this is massive for me! At the start of this year I would struggle to do 2-3 knee push ups. Now I can whack those out (within reason) and today I tried and succeeded to do a full, proper form push up!

The second one wasn't very forthcoming, lol. There was a very graceful 'splat' after trying. But I'll get there!

I'm just so happy I felt like I need to post something.


  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    Pics or it didn't happen!

    Just kidding-congrats! :)

    Don't stop there-keep going. I know you can do even more!
  • Alarae21
    Alarae21 Posts: 171 Member
    Valrotha wrote: »
    Pics or it didn't happen!

    Just kidding-congrats! :)

    Don't stop there-keep going. I know you can do even more!

    Haha, no pics, but I did one but my fiancé was out of the room so that one didn't count! I did call him back to witness when I did it again though ;)

    I'm going to try and build it up. Start off with the full form push up, try another, if I fail then do the rest of the set on my knees. I need to get to a position where I can out do my mum- she's 50 but can do over 10 in a row!
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    edited April 2016
    I am not quite ready for proper form pushups, but I'm s l o w l y seeing progress with knee pushups. Also with planks, so I figure that I'll be ready soon. Great job!
  • theflatpick
    theflatpick Posts: 106 Member
    Congrats, I think that is called a non scale accomplishment, and it is every bit as gratifying.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Congrats! It's such a great feeling. I just got my first one a few weeks ago. Yesterday I did 4! I think the first one's the hardest--you'll be knocking out 10 before you know it!
  • kateci
    kateci Posts: 2 Member
    That's awesome! For some reason, push-ups are such a struggle for me too. My arms/shoulders are so wimpy - I'll get there one day, thanks for the inspiration, and CONGRATS! May there be many more to come :smile:
  • Alarae21
    Alarae21 Posts: 171 Member
    ekat120 wrote: »
    Congrats! It's such a great feeling. I just got my first one a few weeks ago. Yesterday I did 4! I think the first one's the hardest--you'll be knocking out 10 before you know it!

    Congrats to you too!

    It is baby steps but each extra one will be a massive accomplishment for someone who did no exercise at all five months ago!
  • bamfgoals
    bamfgoals Posts: 28 Member
    Great NSV! =) I can't wait until I'm able to do that myself
  • miss_aims
    miss_aims Posts: 64 Member
    Amazing! Like the poster above, I can't wait until I'm able to do that, too! :smile: