Portobello Mushrooms

mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
Ok folks I have never liked mushrooms. That being said I have never tried portobello mushrooms. I am obsessed with healthy swaps. It has helped me eat so many of the things I like so I do not feel denied anything. I eat a spaghetti meat sauce with spaghetti squash, mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes (though sometimes I mix the two so I can get more of the potato texture. I always do this with more cauliflower than potato though), I am anxious to try the grated cauliflower in place of rice. If that one works out the heavens will open up and the angels will rain beautiful music down on my being. There are so many dishes we would eat regularly that include rice. That being said I am interested in trying the portobello mushrooms in place of buns for my turkey burgers. I can eat the smaller variety chopped up small and hidden in things but the texture and extremely earthy flavor scares me. I welcome all input and advice but would really like to hear from some who doesn't like other mushrooms as well. What is your take?


  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    I love basically all mushrooms, but I do not like them raw. I don't think I could eat two of them in place of buns on a burger. What is it about buns that is causing you to look for a swap - the carbs? There are recipes for low carb bread swaps, I can post some if you are interested.

    I love cauliflower rice, too!
  • mitsimr
    mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
    It isn't so much the carbs as calories. It also serves as a challenge to me to try new things even if it involves something I don't like. I try to take things I wouldn't normally eat and try it in new ways. The healthy swaps motivate me in that challenge.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I usually eat them in place of the burger. I get the huge ones and grill them. For lower calorie buns I like an English muffin. Or a pita
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    mitsimr wrote: »
    It isn't so much the carbs as calories. It also serves as a challenge to me to try new things even if it involves something I don't like. I try to take things I wouldn't normally eat and try it in new ways. The healthy swaps motivate me in that challenge.

    I understand what you're saying. Personally I'd rather do a lettuce wrap burger than two portobellos. I do think it will have a pretty heavy earthy taste since they are raw, but maybe you'll like them when paired with something else. Good luck!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    Omit buns. Eat burger with knife and fork.
  • miss_aims
    miss_aims Posts: 64 Member
    edited April 2016
    I love mushrooms, but they really need to be cooked for me. Boyfriend throws them raw on top of his salad and he loves it, but I just can't do the uncooked texture. Tonight we're making a slow cooker meal with chicken and baby bella mushrooms that we found on pinterest. I'm very optimistic! :)
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    I have to cook my mushrooms WELL... and then I enjoy most of them. I do think Portobello and flat mushrooms have a softer, less spongy texture than other mushrooms and notice that they tend to be my favourite.