Squats and Arms

Yesterday I did like 30 squats and then afterwards I picked up those exercise balls up and down like 20 times, and I'm sore on my arms a little?? I think I'm really out of shape what do you guys think? Why did i get sore from that? Also, my tighs are sore but not lot.


  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    It doesn't necessarily mean you're out of shape - it just means you're doing an exercise you're not used to. I run all the time and when I played softball last week I did feel it a little bit the next day in my arms, just because I'm not used to it. If you keep doing it you'll find that your body will get used to it really quickly.
  • 916SAC
    916SAC Posts: 39
    Good job! It means that what u did worked. Just remember, you don't want to work the same areas everyday. It's when you don't feel anything the next day that you need 2 worry 'bout.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Are you doing 30 repetitions in one set? If so you are doing way too many repetitions in one set. Anything about 15 repetitions provides very little strength benefits. You would be better off doing 2 sets of 15 reps or 3 sets of 10 reps. You will need to use more weight use do less reps per set and take about a 45-60 second break between sets.

    As for soreness, if is a new exercise you expect that because you may be new using new support muscles or using the same ones from angles they have not adapted. It takes about two weeks before your muscles will adapt. Which is why should always be doing variations on exercises. It takes about 12 weeks before you muscles will forget an exercise you have not done.