I need to lose 25 pounds!

k_119 Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
So this year has been a little hectic for me. I started at around 129 pounds in August. With the course load I'm taking at school and the amount of homework I've had, I slowly but surely gained around 4 pounds from August 2015 to around December 2015 from a combination of stress and lack of excercise. During those months, I rarely excercised because I spent my extra time doing homework and when I wasn't doing homework I slept. I would also like to mention that I get around 5 hours of sleep a night, sometimes with a 1-2 hour nap during the day. So I started the new year with a weight loss plan to get down to around 125. From January to late March, my weight fluctuated between 135 and 139. I'm still getting about 6-7 hours of sleep a day and I excercised here and there but it's wasn't on a regular schedule or anything. I don't eat a lot, but I'm sure I snacked without myself fully realizing that I'm snacking. Anyways, spring break starts and I go out of town for my friend's wedding. It was constant eating out for about 5 days in a row, but I also managed to do about 20-30 minutes of cardio a day. When I got back I weighed myself and my scale was at a whopping 145. This was when I started paying more attention to what I ate, when I sleep, and how much I excercise. It's been one week since the wedding, I've done about 20-30 minutes of jogging every single day, and I've kept my caloric intake to about 1250-1400 a day, but now I weigh 153. I am honestly at a lost for words at how I managed to gain 8 pounds in a week with controlling my eating and excercising. This was twice the amount of weight I gained in 4 months for not excercising at all. Part of me feels like this could be edema (water retention) because throughout the day I have swollen feet and when I sit on an object it leaves about a 3 mm deep imprint of it on my leg for a good 5 minutes, but when I excercised the swelling automatically goes down.

Height: 5'3"
Weight in August: 2015: 129
Weight in December 2015: ~135
Weight in March: Between 135 and 139
Weight In Early April: 140
Weight Now: 153
Caloric Intake Daily: 1200-1400 ( I usually start my day off with a banana, then another banana for lunch, dinner is usually 1 cup of rice/grain/pasta and some meat and veggies. My snack usually consists of veggies or fruits.)
Excercise: Treadmill ( I go for about 20-30 minutes a day, I do plan on increasing this time allotted in about 2.5 weeks after I'm finished with school and finals)
Sleep: 5-6 hours, sometimes with a 1-2 hour nap during the day
Stress Level: High because of school and stuff
Water Intake: I drink about 36-48 ounces a day.
Movement Level: pretty sedentary, I got steps in between classes but that's about it other than my daily jog.

I just feel really discouraged that the weight I'm at with excercising is higher than the weight I ever was without excercising. Half of the weight I gained in the past year were centralized to this month, even though I've excercised more this month than I've ever had this entire year. I have also decreased my caloric intake. I wasn't exactly sure how much I ate in 2015, but I do know that I have reduced for meals to be about half size with small snacks in between. I haven't drunk any sugary drinks. The only two things I drink now are water and green tea. I could sleep more but I can't control that until I'm done with school in about 2 weeks. I plan on joining the gym and excercising more but again that will happen after I'm done with school. I know this is long, but I'm asking anyone who's ever been through what I'm going through to tell me what they did to lose weight. I knew I was gaining weight this entire year and when I could excercise I did, and the results after a couple days were immediate ( like from 138 to 136), but now I excercise and weigh myself and it goes from 149 to 153. I just need tips on what I should do, and if I am retaining a lot of water what should I do about that.


  • 0aye
    0aye Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! It sounds like you should see a doctor about your edema, especially with the rapid retention of weight. It could be something of concern involving your lymphatics, kidneys, or even heart. Tell your doctor about the edema and any other symptoms you've been experiencing. Even if it's not a big deal, the doc might also be able to prescribe diuretics to help you with water retention, or put you on a low fluid intake diet. Cheers, good luck!
  • evildeadedd
    evildeadedd Posts: 108 Member
    Exercise isn't really for weight loss, it can help, but calories are king. Weight is lost in the kitchen. Your weight gain is more than likely 99% or more water. Your stress levels, where you are in ovulation cycle, and lack of sleep can really throw your hormones out of whack. Don't worry about extra exercise for right now, tighten up your logging. Do you weigh ALL your food? You say a cup of rice, did you weigh that on a scale or pack a measuring cup? Guessing you are holding onto water, I would say you have around 20 pounds Max of actual fat you want to lose. With that in mind know that a realistic healthy loss is about a half pound a week. If you set MFP to lose 2lbs a week, change that, it's not healthy. Being a student you have enough stress in your life, try not to let this make it worse, take a breath, don't get down on yourself. Focus on accurate logging and the weight loss will come I promise.
  • k_119
    k_119 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much for your replies. I really do appreciate them.