
min886 Posts: 6 Member
Hi, aiming (hoping) to lose 45lb for my 45th Birthday in 5 months. Eating clean with no crazy specifics. Starting to realise 90% of the challenge is getting the brain onboard!


  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    "The hard part isn't getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape."~ Author Unknown
  • Mel_before45
    Mel_before45 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also trying to lose weight before my 45th in 7 months. Determined to start second half of my life looking and feeling how I've always wanted. I'd love to lose 50 lbs before then. Good luck!
  • min886
    min886 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Mel, I'm completely with you, I too feel the same. Keep going and keep it simple - eat clean and move about more. I'm hoping to graduate to a gym membership...! So, Good Luck yourself
  • AlyAlyAlyboo
    AlyAlyAlyboo Posts: 276 Member
    Add me!! I have 50 lbs to go and enjoy a laugh along the way
  • LML1971
    LML1971 Posts: 82 Member
    Add me if you like...I also want to lose something by my 45th bday this Aug
  • min886
    min886 Posts: 6 Member
    Well Sunday's have to be the hardest day. Tried to cook a clean-as-it-gets roast chicken dinner serving myself only 2 roast potatoes). Gave my husband all the yummy trimmings and I just sat and watched him secretly plotting his demise cursing the fact that he can eat like a damn horse remain trim. While loading the dishwasher I managed to steal a rouge roast potatoes the punishment of which was 3rd degree burns (shoving the whole thing in my mouth) So I then decided I'd better take myself off to bed and weep into my pillow! It's only been a week - I've got to toughen up!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    what are your targets? 45lbs in five months is quite a tough target – 9lb a month may be a struggle. What happens if you don’t get there?

    What is your daily calorie goal? If it is the standard 1200 calories this may be too low. If it’s the difference between enjoying some of that roast dinner with your still alive husband, and eating lettuce crying yourself to sleep, to me it’s a no brainer. Do you have the app on your phone? It can show you a rolling weekly average. I use this to keep my average daily calories at a certain target, but there are days when I am WAY over (a Sunday lunch kinda day) and days where I don’t eat a lot at all. I fill up on veggies mostly, but if you want to be able to stick to losing weight you will need to be kind to yourself.

    Don’t make losing weight and getting healthier into a chore!! Good luck!
  • min886
    min886 Posts: 6 Member
    You are of course right, thank you. It is a tough target but I really feel ready - despite my recent post. My battle is in the mind and there will be peaks and troughs- if I don't make target by September - I simply carry on. It's a journey not a sprint for me. Sometimes it just helps to jot something down to get it out there.
  • andrewosborne1993
    andrewosborne1993 Posts: 2 Member
    you can do it! its a tough target to reach but with proper dedication and motivation with support I know you can do it!
    feel free to add me if youd like
    im aiming to lose around 20kg in five months
  • AndrewPX
    AndrewPX Posts: 46 Member
    please add me. trying to lose 40 too.
    doesn't get any easier!