Fight in 10 weeks, looking out of shape

Hey guys I have an mma fight in 10 weeks and I'm looking a bit... Porky
Anyone know of any fitness programs to shred in 8- 10 weeks?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you just need to eat less... presumably you're doing plenty of training?
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    what does your coach say?
  • ksdunne11
    ksdunne11 Posts: 7 Member
    I broke my foot year ago and been off training since but an opportunity for another fight with the company I used to fight for came up and I took it spoke to my old coach and going back to gym tomorrow so my mma training is squared with an 8 week fight camp it's the bit in between in looking to fill with some cv stuff ect.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Fat loss will be driven by calorie deficit so getting the eating on point is your priority. But, during this fat loss phase you should aim to maintain as much muscle as possible. So, on that basis, strength work should form the core of your work outs.
  • ksdunne11
    ksdunne11 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah I think I may be over thinking it, stick to the fight camp an concentrate on diet
  • wonko221
    wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
    Are you trying to make weight? If not, cutting in the weeks leading up to a fight will not be to your advantage. If it's purely cosmetic, be the porky fighter with stamina and power.

    If you're trying to make weight, turn to your coach, not a bunch of internet strangers.
  • ksdunne11
    ksdunne11 Posts: 7 Member
    No I'm basically at weight so I'm kind of guessing that diet is going to be the most important thing for me, but it's going to be a fine balancing act
  • G007ANA
    G007ANA Posts: 5 Member
    You don't want to beast yourself too hard before your fight as you will need the energy for the fight itself. If I may make a suggestion first and foremost keep the nutrition steady. I would probably add some weight workouts in the beginning of your 8 week period, probably 3 workouts a week on weights and do some light cardio after the weight sessions. The other days, depending on your training schedule, I would hit up HIT cardio and functional cardio. You are totally served in that department throught your MMA workouts which will involve such great fun exercises as ground and pound, battle ropes as well as sparring.

    Getting closer to the fight, I would work more on stamina through longer jogs and light sparring and start ditching the weights. You don't want to get into a fight suffering from the doms. I would be tempted to still keep some weight workouts going but bring it right down. You just want to work the muscles not tire them out.

    If you are at the top end of your weight category limit then you definitely need to watch the nutrition closely. I guess you are hopefully logging your intakes? That way at least you can get at how many calories you are in a homeostasis point. In other words, how much can you eat before you put or lose weight!

    Either way good luck with the fight!