Looking for friends!!

Hello everyone!! I just downloaded this app for the 2nd time. I didn't utilize the app the first time, but I intend to use it more this time!!

I am looking to use this app to be more accountable for what I eat, drink more water, and to be more active.

I would love to meet new friends to help me with my journey!!


  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 707 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me. :)
  • deshaon
    deshaon Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you, I will!!!
  • jimmi448
    jimmi448 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me too! ☺️
  • deshaon
    deshaon Posts: 7 Member
    I will!!
  • nakie2016
    nakie2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me! This my second time with the app as well.
  • deshaon
    deshaon Posts: 7 Member
    Ok, I'll add you!!
  • myfitKAN56
    myfitKAN56 Posts: 5 Member
    Please add me as a friend too! I'm new to Fitbit and MFP, about 3 weeks with Fitbit and less than one week with MFP. I love how mindful these apps make me about what I eat and walking more.
  • deshaon
    deshaon Posts: 7 Member
    I added you!!
  • Merehook
    Merehook Posts: 1 Member
    Add me!! I've done the same
    Thing several times... I'm back again!
  • AlyAlyAlyboo
    AlyAlyAlyboo Posts: 276 Member
    Add me! Laughter and appreciating the steps you take are key!! This should be fun right?!?!
  • deshaon
    deshaon Posts: 7 Member
    I added you guys!!
  • toshabrantley
    toshabrantley Posts: 5 Member
    First time doing this. Add me! I'm down.
  • jaclynciccone
    jaclynciccone Posts: 13 Member
    This is my second time on the app as well! Feel free to add me (everyone can) and we can do this all together
  • MeaganJo75
    MeaganJo75 Posts: 11 Member
    This is my first time with the app on a phone but some what tried the web page while I was trying to decide which one of these sites had what I wanted in a weight-loss page about a year ago. Feel free to add me and good luck on your weight-loss journey!
  • AndrewPX
    AndrewPX Posts: 46 Member
    hey everyone,
    feel free to add me. it will be good to do this together!