Starting out slow

So I am back at it again. After a much needed break I am back on the losing weight track. Problem is, I do not know where to start exercise wise. I have done anything from running, eliptical, to videos, etc. Any ideas on where I should start after being out of comission for awhile?


  • readytodrop60
    I would go with whichever exercise you enjoy the most.

    If you were taking a break due to injury I would start with the elliptical.
  • kertef
    kertef Posts: 2
    Don't forget the weights :) Ladies often have the misconception that they will get bulky if they lift weights, this does not happen unless you take growth hormones or steroids. So lift heavy and see how you like it, I got my girlfriend lifting over a year ago and shes been hooked ever since, she lifts heavy and doesn't look BIG and MUSCLY lol