College student wanting accountability

I'm a full time college student with a job and am getting married in January and am just ready to look and feel great so I can be the wife my soon to be husband deserves, but it's so hard to eat healthy when you're on a budget and always on the go (literally only at home to sleep)


  • DanielleMarie0418
    DanielleMarie0418 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a college student too! I definitely understand how difficult it is to eat right while you're busy and on a tight budget. Feel free to add me, I will gladly try to keep you accountable! I could use some accountability friends too!
  • akyrab
    akyrab Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ladies. Heading into college soon myself and seriously tired of wishing I could shed a few pounds. I would love to be accountability buddies, as I find that strangers are less likely to let you slide of track. I will gladly help keep you both accountable.
  • mcg899
    mcg899 Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2016
    Currently in college full time with a part time job. Early morning workouts or whenever you can for at least an hour are a must. Meal prepping is also great for throughout the week. Always have frozen veggies and microwaveable rice. Tuna and chicken are easy sources of low fat proteins. Snacks like fruits and rice cakes are helpful. Buy healthy foods, control your portions and workout.
  • angriestgriffin
    angriestgriffin Posts: 4 Member
    Full time (physically demanding) job and almost full time school!

    I would love some buddies to fight the good fight with. ;)

    I am just getting the ball rolling on the whole calorie counting thing. I've allowed myself a week of just logging food without any adjusting just to develop the habit. Here goes phase two of habit modification.
  • courtneydave48
    courtneydave48 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, I'm a college student too! Between school, work, and my clubs, I try my hardest to squeeze in some gym time. But I have made a HUGE difference on my diet. I would love some friends.
  • GraceAnneU95
    GraceAnneU95 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey girl! I'm adding you, I'm a college junior and we can help keep each other accountable! Congratulations by the way! :)
  • ZobiaQureshi
    ZobiaQureshi Posts: 28 Member
    I think I'm on the same boat! Full time university student, and full time work! It's crazy exhausting - but it's something totally worth doing!

    I usually pack my lunches before no matter how tired i am! For breakfest, I just make a delicious smoothie! As for dinner, I either eat the same thing as lunch or make another smoothie.

    I would love accountability friends too :)
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Congrats on the engagement!

    I feel ya. I'm a college senior/junior with a max course load, a job, and organization commitments. I started January 19 at 169 pounds with a goal to get down to 145. I'm now 148! My packit lunch bag has been an amazing little tool for lunch away from home. I just pack a bunch of quick snacks and something for lunch in the morning and go my way. My breakfast is typically a protein shake (and maybe a boiled egg) :)

    I'm not sure I'd be much help, since I'm almost to maintenance, but definitely feel free to add me (and that's to everyone who sees this)!
  • fitspo200
    fitspo200 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I'm a college student too and I really want to lose 20 pounds! I would love to receive and give support to you guys!
  • rimfree
    rimfree Posts: 8 Member
    I'm the same as y'all and would love the accountability as well! Add me! :)
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    Two words: Meal prep.

    Find a couple hours that you are free, make up some freezer-friendly meals and freeze in appropriate portions. No matter how time-poor you are, you will always have time to chuck a frozen meal in the microwave.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Ditto the meal prep - it'll be cheaper in the long run than grabbing takeaways or shop sandwiches.
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    Meal prepping is a good way to help you keep on track. Buy beans and rice in bulk of because it's relatively cheap. Freeze meals, use a crock pot. I will be graduating in june. For a family of four I feed them all with 250-280 dollars a month. It's hard but I coupon and buy bulk o f items we use everyday.