ADHD and Dieting

Samrny Posts: 62 Member
Do any of y'all have ADHD? Do you have access to stimulants to treat it? If so, how have they affected or not affected your weight loss journey?

For me, it's a blessing and a curse to take my meds. On the one hand, they don't really work that well for me for some reason? (And I've been tested twice in adulthood, so we KNOW I have it, one test was a whole day with a psych...) In addition, it kills my appetite. On the other hand, it kills my appetite, haha.

It killing my appetite is a good and bad thing because I have a history of eating disorder so I can easily slip into old habits, like not eating at all for 3 days straight, yikes! It is good because then I don't want to overeat.

Thoughts, comments, concerns?


  • fancygirl7312
    fancygirl7312 Posts: 42 Member
    Same here . I was off my medicine for a while and it didn't effecte me . I think it was because of the motivation and support group on here .
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have ADHD , predominately inattentive. The only med I take is clonidine. It is a kind of all in one for ADHD , Anxiety and high blood pressure. I find that caffeine helps me most. If I have a cup of coffee is helps me to focus more and calms me down, which is the opposite of most people.

    My daughter is on Methylphenidate and we have a hard time keeping her at the weight she needs to be in order to get the extended release, which is the one that seems to work best for her.

    If your med is not working well for you you should talk to your Dr. Not all medications work for all people and sometimes it takes time for people to get the right dosage they need, and often times after you are on a med for a while it will need to be reevaluated.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Adderall is a godsend for me; I am close to nonfunctional without it. It helps me consciously think about.... well, everything, including what I eat.
  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member
    edited March 2016
    I take concerta, it kills my appetite for about 12 hours. Problem is come dinner time I'm super hungry because I didn't eat and would go over board. I've learned to balance this and lost a lot of weight because of it.

    The only problem I face now is wanting to get off of the meds but the increase in hunger and tiredness I experience while off it scare me.

    So, it's totally doable :D

    EDIT: I feel like I'm cheating sometimes because it controls my hunger; oh well :p
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    edited March 2016
    ADHD inattentive. Using vyvance which was chosen as it working for my son and given my family history of substance abuse (not me). My son had gone through concerta, biphentin, and one on vyvance and intuiv

    I guess it has helped on two fronts. First it is an appetite suppressor...not hungry at the slightest at noon. It was actually to prove to the docs that I was consuming enough calories that I started tracking. Beyond that I'd say that being able to focus and keep structure has helped the entire health improvement.

    As vyvance is a stimulant and my starting blood pressure was high 130s over high 80's, we looked to eliminate caffeine. It w as decaf espresso in the morning for nearly 2 months.

    Anyway...from December 1 until today down 35ish pounds. From 40 relaxed to 34 slim jeans....and building muscle.

  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I have been off my meds (vyvanse most recently adderall before that ) since being pregnant with my son in 9/2011. It's been a tough road. I no longer have a psychiatrist. I have poor impluse control and inattention for the most part, a bit of hyperfocus. I think it led to me gain a large amount of weight after the pregnancy. Not having the impulse control or appetite suppression. I wouldn't mind being treated again, I lost a job over it last year.
  • Samrny
    Samrny Posts: 62 Member
    shinycrazy wrote: »
    I have been off my meds (vyvanse most recently adderall before that ) since being pregnant with my son in 9/2011. It's been a tough road. I no longer have a psychiatrist. I have poor impluse control and inattention for the most part, a bit of hyperfocus. I think it led to me gain a large amount of weight after the pregnancy. Not having the impulse control or appetite suppression. I wouldn't mind being treated again, I lost a job over it last year.

    I'm so sorry :neutral:
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    ADD. I'm on adderall (both XR and normal). It definitely suppresses my appetite. I literally can go 8-10 hours on XR and not be the slightest bit hungry. About 4-ish on the normal one. However, I don't ever get a huge need to binge when it wears off, because I set alarms to tell myself to eat my planned meal, even though I don't get that hungry feeling. Getting that hungry feeling is half of why I know the meds have worn off, the other half being the return of what I call "the internal buzz". There is only one time when it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. If it's a lazy weekend when I don't need to do anything in particular, I won't take the adderall cuz ... Well why. Since I don't have anything I "have" to do, I am 95% likely to fall into a hyperfocus where I read for hours on end without so much as twitching a muscle. I can also go several hours like that without being hungry ... Or even noticing that it's a new day for that matter. It's why my parents thought I was depressed when I was a child, and tried to have me treated for such. I love to read certain genres, so I was always deadly still reading a book, never hyperactive lol
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I am on Vyvanse for ADHD and Binge Eating Disorder. It has been a HUGE change for me. I have only been on it for about 7 weeks, as I finally went to seek help and was properly diagnosed after 35 years, But that is a different story.
    Vyvanse is a stimulant medication that is absorbed through the stomach lining, which gives less of an addictive property. It was also created by Shire the same company that makes Adderall, the reason they made Vyvanse is that the sole patent for Adderall is expiring soon therefore generic versions will be more readily available. A few years ago Vyvanse was FDA approved to treat binge eating disorder, and for me it has changed my life, and the way I eat, and the amount I eat. The stimulant aspect of it completely takes away my appetite, where before the meds I would wake up starving, eat breakfast, goto work have a mid morning snack, then lunch, come home snack some more, then dinner and dessert and massive portion for lunch and dinner. Now I wake up take my meds some days eat a 90 cal fiber one bar, then have to remind myself to eat a real my at lunch. I am still trying to figure out my own hunger cycles, but in the last 7 weeks I have lost 21 pounds so that is a big plus as well.
  • Lotusgirlruns
    Lotusgirlruns Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for posting about Vyvanse. I was put on it a few weeks ago, but I am still struggling. It takes away my desire to binge during the day but when it wears off, I am totally triggered. Evenings were always the time I struggled, so it's been really difficult. I think I just need to go to bed as soon as I feel it wearing off!
    How do you find it in the evenings? How much are you on? I have gone up gradually to 50mg, but I am thinking that maybe I need a higher dose.
    Thank you for creating this group!!!!
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    ADHD predominantly hyperactive here! My appetite is crap as well.

    Went from Concerta to Adderall XR cause insurance refused to pay for it.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Hola. Si.

    Don't like meds that I've tried. Nothing to do with appetite, just makes me feel flat and blah.

    So coffee...yep. Early morning insomnia...give up, get up, drink coffee...relaxed..ahh. Not everyday or anything with the insomnia, but more than I would like.

    FWIW I find having ADHD works both ways.

    I can mindlessly eat while doing other things because poor impulse control and not actually focused on eating, or I can be really focused on something and then be suddenly "darn I am absolutely starving" because it is 3 PM and I got busy doing stuff and didn't eat yet.
  • dennysgirl99
    dennysgirl99 Posts: 7 Member
    Adderall is a godsend for me; I am close to nonfunctional without it. It helps me consciously think about.... well, everything, including what I eat.

    Me too! GODSEND. Adderall XR and coffee. I thought I would drink less coffee with medication but I still drink the same six to eight cups a day. ADHD, predominantly inattentive. The difference in my daily life with Adderall XR versus the daily struggle without is HUGE. The insane amount of time and energy I've spent fighting trying to make myself start a task, stay on that task, finish that task, transition from the task to a new task alone makes me cringe to think about having to live without it. The even more insane amount of time and energy exerted on damage control for what I either did or should have but didn't do. Add to that the constant restlessness (now nearly gone altogether fortunately) and impulsivity (reduced to manageable). It was like being on round the clock babysitting duty and that's if I'm even lucky enough to recognize that I am not doing what I should be or vice versa. The words that my Mom spoke the most during my childhood were "what were you thinking?" and she just couldn't understand that when I said "I don't know", I quite legitimately did NOT know because absolutely no thought preceded said stupid act.

    I think I may be one of those people that don't experience any appetite suppression side effect. Unless it's a rest day between strength training days or I haven't exercised for a few days, I'm ravenous by every meal time and rarely do I ever find I've skipped snacks. I typically wake up hungry. Even worse those few days (occasionally weeks) around that TOM. I spend 45-48 minutes strength training 5-6x per week and 60 minutes of cardio 6-7x per week, even if it's just walking at 70% of MHR on a rest day so maybe the amount of exercise counters any appetite suppression? All I know is that I'm hungry. I was almost disappointed in the beginning, having a large amount of fat to lose makes it sound like a blessing but I bet the novelty of having to make myself eat all the time would wear thin real fast. I'm sure it thoroughly sucks for those of you who have to struggle with it. Especially if you're active. I think it's already tricky enough trying to make sure to fuel adequately while maintaining a deficit as it is.

    Taking medication has made mindful eating much, much easier compared to before. Not only consciously choosing what goes in my mouth but just being able to actually consistently plan, shop and prepare meals and snacks makes staying on track doable. I'm a convenience eater so having things like premeasured baggies of fruit/vegetables, single serving tuna packets or hardboiled eggs ready to grab is key. Most of the time, barring occasional cravings, all I want is to stop feeling hungry with the minimum fuss possible. So I've finally learned that if I want to successfully control my weight, I have to just do the prep work. Every week, no excuses. Like the exercise. I almost feel like an adult instead of a perpetual twelve year old. I'm kidding...most twelve year olds are way more responsible than I. I'm probably more like eight. Definitely gaining confidence that maintenance is a real possibility once I reach goal!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited April 2016
    Adderall XR has worked well for me for years but i was taking the maximum dosage and was concerned about it becoming ineffective at some point. I didn't want to experiment with other meds since I had such success with it. It does have an appetite suppressing effect for me but I used to have a lot of trouble with eating candy regardless of hunger. So I did have a tendency to put on weight if I didn't keep that in check.
    I always drink coffee too, I do think that helps. I decided to try some supplements as well and I found that by adding ginkgo Biloba, krill oil and a 13g caprylic acid MCT oil every morning, that my meds seemed too strong. I had the dosage lowered and maintain the same effectiveness. I also take high doses of vitamin C and fairly high doses of magnesium carbonate.
    When I told my doctor about the supplements I really thought he would think I was crazy, but he said he thought it was great and was familiar with their benefits. I definitely felt extra good about it after that. :smile:
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    I have started vyvanse for binge eating disorder and so far it has had a mostly positive impact. It had reduced my appetite significantly but I do find myself in those gaps of prior to it kicking in and as it is weaning off where my hunger strikes sometimes hard and binge urges return. It also has raised my metabolic rate, provided me with more energy and sometimes seems to help elevate my mood.

    Has anyone had any positive effects from vyvanse as well? Or any comments? I take 60mg for the past 2 weeks.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I have ADD, inattentive type. I am medicated (50mg Vyvanse).

    This is the best med I have tried. It does wonders for my attention, and I have zero negative side effects. No speeding heart, no cotton mouth, no loss of apetite.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    sarsather wrote: »
    I have started vyvanse for binge eating disorder and so far it has had a mostly positive impact. It had reduced my appetite significantly but I do find myself in those gaps of prior to it kicking in and as it is weaning off where my hunger strikes sometimes hard and binge urges return. It also has raised my metabolic rate, provided me with more energy and sometimes seems to help elevate my mood.

    Has anyone had any positive effects from vyvanse as well? Or any comments? I take 60mg for the past 2 weeks.

    Ita a stimulant....I definitely get a rush of energy and a boost in my mood.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Ita a stimulant....I definitely get a rush of energy and a boost in my mood.

    I'm ADD inattentive and on Adderall (XR and regular) and I've never felt this rush that people talk about. Makes me wonder if I'm weird or something. I literally feel like it makes me feel almost ... Tired. Like ... Too calm, to the point I feel tired
  • tides57
    tides57 Posts: 27 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Ita a stimulant....I definitely get a rush of energy and a boost in my mood.

    I'm ADD inattentive and on Adderall (XR and regular) and I've never felt this rush that people talk about. Makes me wonder if I'm weird or something. I literally feel like it makes me feel almost ... Tired. Like ... Too calm, to the point I feel tired

    This was me on Concerta. So calm I would lazily wave bye bye to critical deadlines without the slightest bit of agitation. Now I take Dexedrine spansules. I'd take Adderall but even with my insurance the cost is too high. Dexedrine used to give me nice "switched on" mini-rush and keep the munchies under control but it doesn't do either anymore. (In other words, it didn't kill my appetite but it stopped me impulsively snacking all the damn day. I freelanced, working from home.) Anyway, that bonus side effect eventually wore off, sadly. I'm really Interested to hear you all talking about Vyvanse, though. Dexedrine helps me focus when I'm into a task, but I've been on it so long I no longer feel any of the other effects I used to enjoy. (Like being in my zone, on my game, that kind of thing.) I'm looking for something that can jump start my executive function and get my brain in gear. I've been finding it so hard to lock my attention onto necessary tasks lately. Might Vyvanse have benefits that Dexedrine doesn't, I'm wondering? I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm in Canada (is Vyvanse available here?) and post menopausal if that makes a diff. Sorry for the long post.... I have ADD
  • tides57
    tides57 Posts: 27 Member
    tides57 wrote: »
    mkakids wrote: »
    Ita a stimulant....I definitely get a rush of energy and a boost in my mood.

    I'm ADD inattentive and on Adderall (XR and regular) and I've never felt this rush that people talk about. Makes me wonder if I'm weird or something. I literally feel like it makes me feel almost ... Tired. Like ... Too calm, to the point I feel tired

    This was me on Concerta. So calm I would lazily wave bye bye to critical deadlines without the slightest bit of agitation. Now I take Dexedrine spansules. I'd take Adderall but even with my insurance the cost is too high. Dexedrine used to give me nice "switched on" mini-rush and keep the munchies under control but it doesn't do either anymore. (In other words, it didn't kill my appetite but it stopped me impulsively snacking all the damn day. I freelanced, working from home.) Anyway, that bonus side effect eventually wore off, sadly. I'm really Interested to hear you all talking about Vyvanse, though. Dexedrine helps me focus when I'm into a task, but I've been on it so long I no longer feel any of the other effects I used to enjoy. (Like being in my zone, on my game, that kind of thing.) I'm looking for something that can jump start my executive function and get my brain in gear. I've been finding it so hard to lock my attention onto necessary tasks lately. Might Vyvanse have benefits that Dexedrine doesn't, I'm wondering? I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm in Canada (is Vyvanse available here?) and post menopausal if that makes a diff. Sorry for the long post.... I have ADD

  • tides57
    tides57 Posts: 27 Member
    Whoops. Did not mean to post that twice. My comment got cut off. Went looking for the other part. Shouldn't have done that, I guess.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    Generic adderall has been available for a long time....
  • gaeliceyes
    gaeliceyes Posts: 1 Member
    shinycrazy wrote: »
    I have been off my meds (vyvanse most recently adderall before that ) since being pregnant with my son in 9/2011. It's been a tough road. I no longer have a psychiatrist. I have poor impluse control and inattention for the most part, a bit of hyperfocus. I think it led to me gain a large amount of weight after the pregnancy. Not having the impulse control or appetite suppression. I wouldn't mind being treated again, I lost a job over it last year.

    I'm also off my meds since before my pregnancy because we had to do IVF. It's been almost three years now and I keep trying to wean my son so I can get back on them again.
  • Redoise
    Redoise Posts: 4 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Ita a stimulant....I definitely get a rush of energy and a boost in my mood.

    I'm ADD inattentive and on Adderall (XR and regular) and I've never felt this rush that people talk about. Makes me wonder if I'm weird or something. I literally feel like it makes me feel almost ... Tired. Like ... Too calm, to the point I feel tired

    I don't think you're weird. I don't feel tired, but it took me a while to get used to feeling calm. I lived so long wound up and wired to chaos that I thought I was tired when I was just calm for the first time ever.

    My doctor and therapist both say that if you DON'T feel anything but calmer from the medication, then it's a validation of the diagnosis. If you feel high, or a rush, and crash, then the source of your issues are not likely organic physiological ADD. I'm not a doctor, but we weren't sure that Adderall would help me, so we did a blind placebo trial for a week. It worked wonders because I literally felt (and feel) zero effect from the Adderall, so I had no idea which day I was taking it and which day I was taking the placebo. My providers were really happy that I reported "no feeling of being high, or a rush" at all everyday; they told me to keep taking the drug because that's a great indicator that it's the right drug for me.

    While I didn't know during the trial what I was taking, it was very apparent, however, in my life; I keep the logs to look back on--the remarkable and immediate change in my abilities and how calm it made me are good to go back and read to remind me of how bad living with unchecked ADD was.
  • Redoise
    Redoise Posts: 4 Member
    I actually looked this thread up for a very specific reason: I am scared to work out. I haven't worked out since I started Adderall--while the drug is incredibly helpful, I am intimidated by it. My whole life is better, and I'm not overeating. But I was really active until I started Adderall. I used to work out 3-5 times a week with some HIIT training and had just started training my puppy to run with me. Honestly, my parents got me active when I was young to reign me in, and it became a good life habit. But the whole heart rate and blood pressure warnings on the label freak me out--especially when I even think about HIIT training again.

    I worked out today for the first time in a long time and used my heart rate monitor on my fitbit and my HR was going WAY up--but recovered super fast. This also may be due to 1. the fact that I haven't worked out in 5 months and 2. the fact that I'm scared.

    How do you manage this? Does it concern anyone else? What steps do you take to feel safe running, or working out?

    Sorry so long--just looking for some insights for others on Adderall. I don't have any other health conditions.
  • mandamoxie
    mandamoxie Posts: 27 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and just started taking Ritalin today. I've heard so many people say ADHD meds suppress their appetite, but normally in reference specifically to Adderall. My doctor sounded like he intends to put me on Adderall eventually, but right now I don't have health insurance, so he prescribed me Ritalin because it's a little cheaper. Has anyone here taken Ritalin? If so, has it affected your weight loss or appetite at all?
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    @Redoise Do not be afraid to work out while on your medication. I talked to my doctor (I take Vyvanse), and a personal trainer friend of mine, and have done a lot of research and everything I have come across says it is safe to work out while taking a stimulant medication. Of course that is if your heart is healthy to begin with. Some people load up on caffeine and per workouts then go hit the gym to raise their heart rate to get a better workout. I am not sure about mixing the stimulant medication, and a pre workout, or caffeine supplement and going to workout. Just follow how you feel, do your workouts, start out slowly to ease yourself back into them, if you are still leary stay away from the HIIT classes, or take the medication early in the morning and go to a HIIT class in the evening when the meds are wearing down. I hope this was mildly helpful.
  • Redoise
    Redoise Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, @mweckler! That's reassuring. Everything I'm finding on the web is the latter of your post: people TRYING to use Adderall for their workouts. I'm not in that bunch of folks. I just want to exercise in a healthy way. Your response is helpful--reassuring.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I recently started a group for people living with ADHD, if any of you are interested I have posted the link to the group.