I have a long way.!

Hey I'm Paige and I'm 18! Iv always struggle with my weight since I was 8, Iv been on and off diets all the time and nothing really worked for me apart from starving myself! Iv been with my boyfriend 2 years and Iv go VERY content Iv put on 3stone! I currently weigh 17stone and 5ft10! I want to lose 5 stone but the old fashioned way just eating healthy! I got lots of diet foods for the first 2 weeks to kick start it off then after that period it be all me cooking! Hope this is a start to a amazing weight loss journey!!


  • trish2016
    trish2016 Posts: 156 Member
    Best of luck you are very wise to start young as you get older its harder to shift the weight plus you don't want to look back on your 20's thinking you should have made the effort to lose weight. I am 40 in a few weeks and always have carried weight in the past year i have put on 17lbs I really can't believe it and that with even doing my boxfit ! i started off great and then from Sept 2015 till now I didnt log meals or food.
    Cook all fresh if you can at least that way you know whats going into it.
  • Jenniwren83
    Jenniwren83 Posts: 19 Member
    That's so great. A lifestyle change really is the only way to do it. I had a similar start with this to you (except I'm 14 years further along!), I started off as a chubby child and got bigger and bigger, 8 stone at 8, 9 at 9 and so on until I was 17. I lost weight at that point but I didn't lose it healthily and although I did get down to 9 stone (which is way too skinny for my build, I was all eyes and teeth :smile: ) I didn't keep it off which was disheartening and I bounced up and down with my weight from then on. The only time I've lost weight and kept it off for a decent length of time was using MFP (and similar, Calorie count) to have a healthier lifestyle. After a few years maintaining I got careless and am only about 1 1/2 stone from my heaviest weight now. I'm determined to keep it up this time and never let it slip again. I'm looking for friends on here of all ages and with different amounts to lose. I know from experience that the motivation of people who have been or are in the same situation makes all the difference. I intend to stick with it and log daily, so am happy to be there for you (and anyone else). You've made the most important step and you've got the right attitude! You can do it!
  • ooaa2014
    ooaa2014 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey goodluck on your journey! I feel your pain, im a 20 year old uni student trying to achieve the same thing, if u need some motivation balancing student life and eating healrhy add me
  • ravenkeiko
    ravenkeiko Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2016
    I've just started today. I turned 18 last September and Id like to join your journey. Please add me.
  • paigejamielee
    paigejamielee Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for all your support its amazing how many people want to help! So happy to have people to help me along the way!