started 4 days ago, lost 3 pounds.

hey everyone.
so I just started using MFP for a couple of days with an caloric intake of about 1200 more or less.
i have also been doing interval training for about 20-25 minutes burning 400 calories each time. I have
my days where I exercise at low impact for an hour or so. every other day I do weight training.
I started at 175 pounds, 5'5". now I am 172 pounds.
I feel AMAZING. my skin glows, my hair is shinier, my obliques are getting more and more toned,
and everyone has complimented on my looks. I know, I know. it's only 3 pounds but it's absolutely
astonishing the results you accomplish. my goal weight is 135 pounds but because of the way my body is
proportioned and structure that might be too much. I would give you all pics but I'm on my iPhone right now!

how about everyone else? any newcomers? progress?
