A change for the better

Hi People,

By way of introduction...

I have been using MFP for about 3 months now but only as a simple calorie counter. I didn't realise there was a whole community out there with whom I can engage and get motivated (as well as reciprocate hopefully).

The results of using MFP have surprised me so far. The database is extensive and I'm pretty OCD about recording everything I eat and do. I've lost over 2 stone in 4 months and have started running again with the aim of doing at least 1 half marathon later this year and raise money for charities in the process.

Would be great to chat to likeminded people and benefit from support and motivation.

Anyway, enough of the blurb...a big Hi to everyone. On here.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello and welcome !
  • TonyWaye
    TonyWaye Posts: 9 Member
  • paulajobelle
    paulajobelle Posts: 23 Member
    hello, welcome aboard and I hope to see you meeting your goals. This is a great tool and I find it helpful to know that there are others to inspire and challenge me.
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    MFP is a great tool, makes tracking while out and about much easier. And the community is great, a lot of really helpful people!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    This place really worked for me. Life got busy and my running suffered and I put 20 pounds back on. No big deal because I know I can do this any time I want. I retrained on how to eat so I don't feel the need to log anymore (it drove my wife crazy). I am working back into my running 30 miles a week and if I can reduce the booze a bit I can shed the weight. Welcome aboard!
  • TonyWaye
    TonyWaye Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks people...

    rsclause; I think it is driving my wife crazy as well :) . As part of the diet I've severely restricted my beer intake so having at most a pint or two a week (and only when the calorie count allows). My running is up to about 8 -10 miles a week at the moment but since I pushed past the 5 mile a week I've seen an increase in weight loss. Gone up to about 2lb a week instead of the targeted 1.5lb a week. Funny thing is that I don't feel like I'm on a diet or missing out. MFP just allows me to be conscious of those snacks and extras that would have been part of my previous lifestyle.
  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    Good luck to you! Feel free to add me for support x
  • TonyWaye
    TonyWaye Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks...gonna sound like a right numpty, but how and where do you "add" someone? :s
  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    TonyWaye wrote: »

    Thanks...gonna sound like a right numpty, but how and where do you "add" someone? :s

    You have to go on to their profile and click "add as a friend" :)
  • TonyWaye
    TonyWaye Posts: 9 Member
    Ok...thanks...sometimes the simplest of things...
  • blonde_passion
    blonde_passion Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome! I'm new too, feel free to add me, good luck
  • TonyWaye
    TonyWaye Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks. Good luck with your goals...whatever they may be. I think having my goals public will mean I'm more likely to achieve them.