hello from the 707!

Hello fellow mfp-ers! My name is Melissa, i'm from suisun (sue-soon) city in nor cal and I'll officially addicted to mfp! I found it in the android market on my new phone and decided it was just what i was looking for. I've been using it since June 3rd and have lost 8 pounds as of today. I found out i wasn't eating enough calories. I have a chronic thyroid disease (hashimotos thyroiditis) and rarely felt hungry unless i hadn't eaten all day. I felt like i was running on fumes and was tired all the time beyond the tiredness from my condition. But after a week of eating enough calories and without exercising i lost 1.5 pounds! My energy is up and i feel like i'm back on the right track. I walk my treadmill or neighborhood everyday but give myself one food cheat day a week. (It was today and i had pizza and real pepsi!) I always make sure to log my food before i eat and plan my meals for work the night before. I got my sister-in-law and a few coworkers and friends hooked on mfp but am always looking to make new friends! Let's get through this together! =D


  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    awesome! sounds like you are doing great, welcome to mfp! =) feel free to add me if you would like!
  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    thnx sweetie!:happy:
  • ga_peach75
    ga_peach75 Posts: 17
    Good Job!! I hope I can keep it up like your doing!! So far I have not noticed anything but I am going to hang in there
  • nalopez
    nalopez Posts: 39
    Welcome! I'm originally from Sac, but lived in Vacaville for a year...just one of those small world moments.
  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    it is a small world! thnx for the welcome!