Top 5 Things i Love About Myself

ldupless Posts: 26 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
The past few weeks I have been obsessed about losing weight and all the possibilities that would come about if I could just lose the extra pounds. From job interviews to going out to dinner with my hunny...I kept thinking that my weight is what everyone sees and how I'm being judged. So, today, I decided to get off my pitty potty and write down all the things I love about myself (staying away from anything physical) and what i found is that... I'm awesome! And no matter if the weight decides to take its sweet time coming off--I'm still think I'm the whole package...and love every part of it.

So, here's my top 5, what are yours:)

1. I pretty much think I'm hilarious--now whether that's true or not is completely up for debate, but it sure does make me happy:laugh:

2. I'm compassionate and empathetic and love my ability to care about others:flowerforyou:

3. I'm an awesome dancer and can't wait till I have the endurance to make it through a whole night:glasses:

4. Man, I'm a good cook! Now, it may be because I'm the only person who eats it, but if I could give myself an award, I think I would. In fact, I just might! :laugh: :laugh:

and 5. I am resilient, brave, independent, smart, and love that I


  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Love this post.

    1. I think I'm hilarious too, I am always trying to make jokes, and sometimes I literally make myself laugh with my antics.
    2. I try my best to stay positive, and smiley even though sometimes it's really hard.
    3. I try to be nice to people, and if I like you then I'm very loyal.
    4. I'm a great cook too, although now I'm on MFP and trying hard to lose, I'm slowing down with the cooking!
    5. I am very independent and determined - I WILL get there, although it might take ages!!!

  • BuddhaBabeee
    BuddhaBabeee Posts: 105
    Cute post.

    1 - I am really different/strange and it makes other people attracted to me. I like seeing their faces when I explain things to them the way I see it.

    2 - My eyes.

    3 - My ability to feel people's emotions.

    4 - My skin tone.

    5 - How much compassion I have towards animals.
  • Love this thread!
    1. I'm a great dad
    2. I do my best to stay postive
    3. I'm a nerd and proud of it
    4. I love being a dork in public
    5. What I love most about myself is my wife because she is truly my better half
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    1. My hair
    2. My collarbones
    3.My ONE Dimple
    4.I'm always smiling ( people think that's weird but whatever)
    5. I'm creative :)
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    thoughs are awesome & you do seem funny :) here are mine

    I also like to cook but I'm one hell of a baker ( just call me betty crocker) hehe
    I am a pretty good swimmer it makes me feel good that I can out swim my hubby ( and he is in better shape)
    I have really pretty green eyes my favorite body part
    I'm very independent ( my hubby is gone alot b/c deployments )
    & I love that I am adventurous !!!!
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Ha, I could use yours word for word because I think the same things!
  • wills2be
    wills2be Posts: 26
    Im currently trying to work on myself and loving yourself is a bit part of this whole journey so great thread!!

    1. Im quirky and I love my sense of humour!

    2. Im a good friend

    3. Im very independant

    4. I have good legs

    5. Im a quick learner

  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    1. My heart. I always am wanting to help people any way I can.

    2. My skills as a parent. 5 years ago I would have never thought I would have a had a kid, and if I did I'd feel sorry for him... but once it happened, I've been rocking it!!

    3. My ability to not care what people think. I don't let people's words get to me. I know who I am, what I think and feel, and could care less what anyone else has to say about it :P

    4. My eagerness to learn! I want to always be in school and always want to learn something different! I want to know and understand "everything!!"

    5. My booty!! :P Yea, sure I might have the extra lbs. everywhere to match it, but my @$$ is great!! :P My hubby tells me, loose all the weight I want, anywhere I want, just don't loose the butt!! :P
  • great thread , everybody has a best feature we just tend to focus to much on the parts we dislike and it's nice to see alot have touched on stuff that isn't just about looks ! much more to a person than there skin :)

    HMM dunno if i can think of 5 but at the moment one will do , i think most people do something for charity , i'm the sort that is much better in small groups than big groups ! so to go out infront of over 1500 and fight ( boxing ) after only 9 weeks of training was a big thing for me but i did it and i'm very proud of myself for doing that :)
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    What a great idea.

    1.I love my eyes
    2.I think I have really pretty feet
    3.I have a wicked sense of humour
    4.I am a great mother
    5.I am a good cook
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    1. I'm a very loyal friend
    2. I have a great compassion for animals
    3. I'm a good baker
    4. I'm random
    5. If I'm happy and smile others around me are too
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    1. I think I'm funny. Making others smile is one of my missions in life.
    2. I my compassion for others and animals.
    3. I love that I can cook, bake, broil, fry (not always), and saute.
    4. I love those that surround me.
    5. I love that I've had a second chance at life.
    6. I'm intelligent, and I've gotten noticed for that- In a good way of course!

    And Lauren... You are hilarious.... And everything you described yourself as.
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