Any mommies on here

It's been over 10 months now since I had my son through a c-section and I've only lost 8 pounds :( how did you lose your weight and how long did it take?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    1. Set MFP up to lose 1 lb per week
    2. Synced my Fitbit to MFP allowing it to add or take away calories based on my activity for the day.
    3. At first I did home workouts. I joined a gym when my 2 nd was 9 months old and started lifting and running on alternate days.
    4. Food scale - I weigh all solid foods with a scale. Even the single serve package stuff can weigh more than it should
    It's taken me 4 years to get to where I am now. Granted before my first was born I was slightly into the obese bmi area, but after it was over I was really obese (bmi of around 44). I had became pregnant with my 2nd shortly after moving into the overweight section of the bmi scale in late 2013. I lost my pregnacy weight that I gained with him by the time he was 6-7 months and continued to lose to were I am now. Both of my pregnancies were csections. I switched to recomp on Monday.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Never had a c-sec, did hemorrhage though so had to rest hard for several weeks after the first 3.

    1st baby, lost more than I gained when she came out.
    2nd baby, no gain but was a little dumpy, misshapen, after for a few months, it took awhile for my body to firm up.
    3rd baby, same.
    4th baby, gained a lot, she was big, I held onto some of the weight (15lb or so) until she finished nursing, then it seemed to slide off no problem.

    So it can vary even for the same woman, you may hold onto some until he weans, take care of yourself, take exercise and eat reasonably, if you are losing, even slowly, you are OK.
  • Starbk
    Starbk Posts: 2 Member
    I started working out with T25 when my son was 6 months, I had made a prior attempt to work out but I gave up. I firmly believe that in order to succeed you need to find a workout program that not only gives you results but that goes well with your schedule and lifestyle. To me T25 is the best program I have ever done, I used to go for hours to the gym when I was younger and have never had the abs I have now. I am not a beachbody coach by the way, but I stand behind T25 because I saw the results at the beginning not so much but after 4 months my body was totally transformed. I got muscle definition, I am much stronger and it really changed my life for the best. I lost a total of 21 lbs and many inches. I did not do a specific diet but did change my eating habits. I tried to make it simple because I do not have the time nor the patience to go thru over complicated diets. I quit drinking soda, I quit artificial sugar and flour. I still eat carbs but try to find healthier options. I eat more protein, vegetables and fruits that are not high in sugar. My fitness pay really helped me with this part because I was eating too much sugar and I was not even aware of it. On the weekends I did a cheat day, where I would eat more freely but in moderation. I am not sure if there are any limitation due to your c-section, but I recommend this program to all the mommies because it is easy to follow although it is very challenging if you haven't worked out for a while, and it is 5 days a week for 25 minutes. This was almost 3 years ago and I am still working out, and running occasionally and have managed to stay in great shape. I really thought I was never going to wear a bikini after my baby but I am in better shape now than I was before. You can do it too, it just takes patience and consistency!
    This are my before-after pictures. u2b6kqzufm6r.jpg
  • rachfking
    rachfking Posts: 40 Member
    It's been over 10 months now since I had my son through a c-section and I've only lost 8 pounds :( how did you lose your weight and how long did it take?

    I lost 15kg through weight watchers and discovering a new group exercise class - Pump, where you lift weights. It was really fun and I loved seeing my weights get heavier & heavier. I did gain half back when I got slack with eating but have lost it again through MFP. For me the novelty of a new exercise or app is really motivating. I'm now 45, with a 6 year old and I'm the strongest I've been in my life!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Mom to 4...ages 8 - 18months. My first and last babies were c/sections...the middle 2 were VBACs.

    Ive lost 75# since #4 was born. Counting calories and getting more active. I discovered that I love to run, so I run alot.
  • NSanders9
    NSanders9 Posts: 1 Member
    My son is over 13 months old. He was a vaginal delivery. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary other than breastfeeding and walk him in the stroller when the weather is nice. The extra baby weight just finished coming off as he turned 13 months. It may just be that you have a few more months to go.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Mom to 4...ages 8 - 18months. My first and last babies were c/sections...the middle 2 were VBACs.

    Ive lost 75# since #4 was born. Counting calories and getting more active. I discovered that I love to run, so I run alot.

    We are very similar! 4 kids ages 16 months to 7 years old. I've lost 85 lbs since #4 was born by just logging consistently, weighing food, losing at a reasonable pace, and exercising.

    I never lost weight after my other kids were born, despite breastfeeding and being somewhat active. I had to really work for it. I use fitness blender workout videos (free on YouTube!) and they are amazing if you are looking for a good home workout plan. I'm fit now, and I don't think I've ever used that word to describe myself before lol.
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    Hi! I had a c section a little under 10 months ago :)
    I've lost 17 pounds since February so far with 59 to go. I weigh my food (everything, including ketchup and every last peanut) in grams on a food scale to accurately count the calories that I eat. I work out 3-5x per week and try to keep active on my feet on the days I stay home.
    If you are breastfeeding, I'll say this: my body held on to weight like a champ, and gained 25lb. I could only lose weight after he weaned. I am not saying everyone is like this, but I am saying that not everyone loses weight while nursing and that sucks ;)
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have four kids (ages 9 years - 8 mos). I had my first two in my late twenties and it took a while (about a year each time) to lose the weight (I gained 50 lbs all four times), but simply reducing portions and eating less "junky" food did the trick. With my third I was in my 30s and the strategies I used in my twenties didn't work any more - similar to what you are experiencing, one year after she was born I had only dropped 5 lbs (boo!). I switched to a LCHF diet and dropped all the baby weight, and then some. Had baby four last August, kept moderate carb thru the pregnancy, then lowered carbs after she was born, lost all the baby weight as of a couple weeks ago.
  • khwajakhaula
    khwajakhaula Posts: 3 Member
    Wow thanks for all of the replies, it feels so great to know there are other mommas out there who went/are going though what I am right now! So proud of all of you trying to get back in shape! I guess my problem was that I was at risk for preterm labor (which happened at 34 weeks btw), and because of that I was overly cautious about what I ate. I mean, my pregnancy was ALL healthy food, nothing else. So after I gave birth, I lost it. I ate anything and everything that I wanted and couldn't have for 8 months. So it held me back from losing my pregnancy weight. I breastfed nonexclusively for 6 months, because Mikael (my son), would fall asleep while nursing and since he was a premie my main objective was to make him gain weight. So I had to substitute with formulas and pump, pump, pump! But I've reached a point now where I need to lose this weight, I hate looking in the mirror and seeing a person I don't recognize. I've been thin my whole life til now. Thank you for all of your stories and for reading mine! Can't wait to try some of your suggestions. Xoxo
  • nene9999
    nene9999 Posts: 5 Member
    I have three girls oldest 12 youngest 1 and a half lol n I have just recently lost my first couple of bounds just county calories and using this app I didn't have a csection though that's a but more trama to the stomach I would just keep watching it calories and portion sizes

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I didn't lose weight for a long time after my dd was born. When I did I lost 14 lbs in 2 weeks and then regained it a few months later when I couldn't siustain that diet. I lost and gained several times until I was 60 lbs heavier than before child 15 year later. I started using MFP and just counting calories and have lost 25 lbs. That took about 6 months and then I maintained for awhile. It'll be 20 more lbs before I am at my pre-child weight.
    I think if I had used something like MFP back then it would have been easier to lose and keep it off.
    Be patient and keep logging as accurately as you can.
  • kris10cass
    kris10cass Posts: 47 Member
    2 year old... still trying to lose the baby weight! Had a Csection also.. but didn't really put forth a lot of effort until recently. It's not easy...but it is possible.
  • falalaholly
    falalaholly Posts: 27 Member
    my son is 5 and honestly, i've just be SUPER lazy.. off and on working out and eating healthy... a month ago I finally decided (when I was at my heaviest - BMI of 30 exactly) that this isn't me.. the person in the mirror is not me. So.. i am now on a vegetarian ish "diet" (i still eat eggs almost every day and occasionally fish) well.. not diet - but a new way of life style... I only started the vegetarian thing about a week n a half ago. I started running at the least 3 times a week, trying for 4x a week.. so far I have lost 5.8 lbs (technically 2 but... 15 days ago my BMI was at 31 some how and with a few modifications aka... vegetarian diet change, my lbs started to shed.. and continue to shed!). I had a regular pregnancy, only gained 45lbs through-out, i lost 30 lbs after i had him within the year of birth but after that i'm not sure what happened but i gained all of it back and then some more. its hard! you just have to keep your head in the game 24/7. my boyfriend supports me... but he also still eats like crap. there's currently pizza in my fridge and its been yelling my name in my dreams but i refuse to give in! good luck :) feel free to add me for daily motivation in the MFP feeds :)
  • Dbarcenas23
    Dbarcenas23 Posts: 4 Member
    I have three kids. Ages 8, 3, &22mths. I've had c-sections with all three. I have accepted the stretch marks but I can't except the extra 40lbs that I've been lugging around. I just started on this app so please add me if u need and can give mutual support.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    I'm not a mom yet but I want to get pregnant before the end of this year. Currently I am 5'1" and weigh 128-129 pounds. I tend to gain weight on my stomach other than that I look very small. I gained weight last year after I got married because I was homesick (moved to another state (nc-va where my husband is from)) and didn't work for a couple of months and birth control. I want to be in the best shape before I get pregnant so that maybe I won't have to lose too much weight after I have a baby.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    It's been over 10 months now since I had my son through a c-section and I've only lost 8 pounds :( how did you lose your weight and how long did it take?

    I waited and focused on my kiddo before losing weight. I know that's not ideal by everyone but that's what I wanted to do. I had so many new things to get used to I didn't want to add a new diet to that! She's 3 now and after moving around to a new country and finding a new job, I'm committed to losing weight. I lost the pregnancy weight gain plus the new marriage weight gain (lol) for a total of 50lbs lost and now am working on losing weight I've had on me for way too long! My goal is to hit 150lbs and I started at over 300 (EEK!).

    How I did it was I stuck to a low carb diet, 7 months and counting. I try to stick to Keto (20g of net carbs a day), but some days I give myself more carb room and eat around 50 or 100g of carbs a day. I tracked everything on MFP and worked on converting recipes I liked (like mac and cheese) to low carb versions. Now that I'm 7 months into my diet I'm used to it and am adding more and more exercise.

    Why low carb? Well my body doesn't process sugar correctly.. I am pre-diabetic and had gestational diabeties while pregnant. Low carb allows me to feel like I'm eating more and helps me to feel full, and personally I feel better eating meats and healthy fats. Just my personal choice!

    One small step at a time girl!