hi everyone :)

I'm new here, so I thought I'd come introduce myself :happy: I've only read a couple of other posts on these forums, but everyone seems so supportive and motivated!

so a quick about me; I'm Anna, I'm 18 and I'm a student from the UK - I've struggled with my weight and eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia) since I was about 12, and now I'm determined to find happiness and peace with my body the healthy way. I hope I can give as much support to you guys as you seem to give to other people, and achieve my health and fitness goals along the way.

hope everyone has a great day! :heart:


  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Hi and welcome

    You will find lots of help, support and encouragement on here, you will never be alone.

    Best of luck reaching your goal, and keep us updated on your progress :smile:
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    Welcome!!! Good luck on your journey!!! You will love MFP, its awesome!!!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Good luck riviera123 - This is a great site and you will get lots of support here.
  • clancie518
    clancie518 Posts: 40
    welcome... good for you that you are choosing the healthier way to get your body in shape. It's a hard road to do it the healthy way, but it's worth it and your body will thank yourself later on in life..

    feel free to add me.. :smile:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Hello and welcome.

    I'm certain you'll find a wealth of wonderful people and great support here, it truly is a fantastic place.

    And good for you for taking charge of your life!
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Indeed welcome- lots of support here!

    Per chance did you go to Glastonbury this weekend? I saw UK and immediately thought of listening to Glastonbury on BBC1 (Ilove BBC1...)
  • dhesia
    dhesia Posts: 1
    Hi... Im new one too..
  • riviera123
    Thanks for such a lovely welcome! :heart:

    And @swordsmith - No, unfortunately.. A lot of my friends went and had an awesome time, but I've had university exams from the 20th and I only finish on the 30th, so there's no way I could have made it! I've been listening to the coverage on Radio 1 though - the line-up was amazing this year! I'm so jealous of my friends, but there's always next year I guess :smile: