new here :)

I'm ready to start this. I've said it before, but i'm pretty serious this time. I'm ready to not be lazy and to be able to play with my son! Hopeing this will give me some sort of accountability.


  • iowacowgirl76
    Way to go! I'm going through the same thing...been overweight since my last child (9 years ago) and I'm ready to get back into shape. I want to set a good example for my girls! Feel free to friend me! Good luck and with everyone's support we'll all feel great!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Go to : General diet and weight loss help--- read the post that say read me. It really helps. Good Luck
  • utaviator
    utaviator Posts: 55 Member
    I am a newbie also, (one week), and have been so impressed with the amount of support and information you can here. Welcome!!