June 10lb Slim Down

Heya all-

LAST WEEK in June!!! We have to push even harder this week. You guys have been doing great! I saw pounds dropping everywhere. Here are my numbers:

SW 184.46 6/1
GW 174 7/2
WI 1843.4 6/12
WI 183.4 6/16
CW 182.5 6/26
TWL: 1.96lbs
Mini Challenge results: 4.6 miles

Last Week Mini Challenge will be the same as one before. It seemed to work for me. Double up on exercise (either each time or extra days) PLUS aim for 5 miles this week. C’mon I am nowhere near 10lbs so I have to hustle……..

How did you all do?


  • evenidomhnaill
    Lost 4lb not near 10lb but better off than on pulled a muscle so not getting as much exercise as i would like in and I havent been able to eat my target on food so that might be effecting weight loss. hope to really push for this last week only 3 weeks to I go on my holidays and would really like to loose 7lbs by then.
    Cant wait to the July challenge!
  • lukeleia4
    lukeleia4 Posts: 20 Member
    SW 189 6/1
    WI 187 6/7
    WI 185.8 6/14
    CW 183.4 6/27
    GW 179 7/2

    Getting closer and I'm NOT giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Just weighed in this morning at 166.8 that's my target for the end of June met and beaten by.2 of a pound I am ecstatic this has been a great challenge looking forward to the final weigh in on the 2nd July. On the exercise challenge I did the 30 day shred for 4 days last week and loads of my usual walking and Netball. Might not get much in today though going up see take that tonight.

    1st June - CW - 177.6
    7th June - CW - 174.8 - 2.8 Lb loss so far hopefully on track for the 10lb loss.
    14th June - CW - 169.8 - 5lb loss this week (largely due to illness and running a 10k race on the weekend)
    21st June - CW - 168.6 - 1.2lb loss this week (nearly there)
    28th july - CW - 166.8 - 1.8pm loss this week goal met woohoo!
    2nd July - GW - 167