Starting Insanity Tonight

Does anyone who has done Insanity have any pointers for a newbie?


  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    go at your own pace, keep that core tight and prepare to sweat
  • SNorris01
    SNorris01 Posts: 97 Member
    Don't try to keep up with the "Machines" on the video, do what you can push yourself but not to the point of over doing it. Work up to what you can, and don't get discouraged. The hardest part is the "Fit Test". Make sure you keep accurate numbers. If you cannot jump yet don't worry about it, just do squats as fast as you can to try to keep up. Rest when needed, you will soon be able to keep up.
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    Be prepared, your calves are going to be sore!

    Don't quit because of it, try to do as much as you can and work through the soreness.

    And like it has been said, don't keep up with them, especially Tonya during your first week, maybe even first 3 weeks!

    Dont give up!
  • ditto to the previous replies!!
  • Haha thanks! I have been told I will sweat more than I ever thought possible.

    I'm sure I won't be able to everything they do the first night, but by the midpoint I'd like to be able to keep up.

    I'm dreading taking the "before" photo tonight.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    If you don't have a heart rate monitor (HRM) . . . I would suggest getting one with a chest strap. Also, what the others say. Drink plenty of water, take breaks when you need to but go at your own pace.
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Break when you need it and lots of water. Don't try to kill yourself to keep up the first few times. It is intimidating but fun! I haven't followed the program yet, but want to once I come back from my Chicago trip. I tried it once before I did P90X and about died and said there is no way. Once I've been doing P90x I tried it again and loved it. You will do great! Good Luck
  • Toots2012
    Toots2012 Posts: 25
    I agree with each previous post. I am on day 15 of Insanity. This program is the BOMB- I just love it. I won's sugar coat it, it is hard, but at the same time YOU CAN DO IT. Go at your own pace but keep up enough to where it is effective. Me and my husband have been getting up doing ours at 5am each morning taking Sundays off as our rest day. I do mine like this because I wake up fresh and get this out of the way. I don't have to worry about being too tired to actually do the workout in the evenings. I know me, once I go to work, run errands, etc. the last thing i'm gonna commit to is a hard workout once my body is worn from the day.
    Good luck and enjoy!
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    Don't give up, don't be afriad to hit pause, try the move- no matter how ahrd it looks. WEAR A HEART RATE MONITOR AND REPLACE YOUR CALORIES BURNED, and don't give up. The weight isn't going to magically fall off, it takes hard work! Good luck!
  • MJKing2
    MJKing2 Posts: 177
    I agree with everyone else. I try to push myself a little further each day. If you can do it with someone that has really helped me. Having my husband there pushing me to just to 2 more pushups pushes me harder. Drink lots of water and I couldn't survive without my fan blowing on me. Don't be afraid to rest...I have to remind myself of that everytime. It's a process and in the end we will be better than when we started but we have to start somewhere. Good luck! :smile:
  • crystalfndz
    crystalfndz Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck and let me know how it goes! i hear so many good things about this insanity. maybe i'll give it a try too!
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    do the shots and take your measurement to, will encourage you much more, because some wks you might not lose any lbs, but are gaining muscle and still losing inches
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I recommend doing the before shots as well. Especially to get the free t-shirt when you're done. Like everyone said, hit pause when you have to. The 10 minute warm up may be brutal at first, but after awhile it will just feel like a warm up. Best wishes!!!
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member

    And like it has been said, don't keep up with them, especially Tonya during your first week, maybe even first 3 weeks!

    Haha, Tonya... my kids call her "Animal Girl" because she's so strong and intense. I still couldn't keep up with her by then end of the 9 weeks, but she gives me something to aim for.
  • I started the workouts today! they are hard...but just push through it...think of where you want to be at the end and it will help you push through the pain...don't be discouraged if you have to take alot of breaks...i did...but push yourself as much as possible and keep moving even when drinking water! I'm excited to see my results at the end of this!
  • [/quote]

    Haha, Tonya... my kids call her "Animal Girl" because she's so strong and intense. I still couldn't keep up with her by then end of the 9 weeks, but she gives me something to aim for.

    You're not kidding! That girl is a monster! If I can have half her power I'll be happy!