The 50lbs train is departing the station NEVER to return!!

Hi All! Anyone else with about the 50lb mark to lose? I started 2 days ago, and am hoping to lose 4lbs per week so I am at my goal weight by my 36th birthday at the end of July. I have tried all diets under the sun, now I am just KISS-ing it (Keeping It Simple Stupid), not splurging but not depriving myself either. Join me on the journey :)

Please add me as a friend to keep my accountable - I am a nice guy :)



  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    I have 45 to lose, so pretty close. Add me x :)
  • juliamtdt
    juliamtdt Posts: 4 Member
    Yep 50 plus lbs to say goodbye to here! Am aiming for a much slower loss than you...1-2lbs a week....but then I'm much older than you. Wishing you luck and determination.
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    I honestly think that's way too fast, it just won't be sustainable, especially long term.
    But, everyone's journey is personal, so I wish you the very best of luck with yours!