question for runners/new runners...

Let me start by saying that I'm not necessarily new to running, I just dislike it very much. I more often tend to walk (at a very quick pace) or use the elliptical, cardio wave, and bike to get my cardio in. But recently I decided to start running again and am thinking about joining my company in a relay marathon later this year...
HOWEVER, I'm having a slight problem with my feet. Everytime I run, I end up with a blister or two on my feet or toes. I never had this problem in the past and I'm not sure what may be causing it now so I'm interested to see if anyone else has this issue and what you have done to prevent it (or at least help it heal faster so there is less "down time" between running)? Any tips/tricks/advice will be welcomed!



  • Dcgfeller
    Dcgfeller Posts: 83
    New shoes fitted at a running store and some non-cotton socks have completely cured me of blisters.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    It could be your shoes not fitting well. Also, are you wearing sweat wicking socks? You can also use body glide on your feet to prevent blisters.

    Also, you don't have to have any down time when you have a blister. I've personally never stopped due to a blister. The only time I have ever stopped is when during a strange event, the entire backs of both of my heels were blistered a few layers through. I swear, it didn't hurt at the time.

    Dependent on it's size, I make sure I pop it in the most sanitary way I can. Make sure it stays dried out when I'm not running. When I am running, I either tape my feet or use moleskin to cover it up. If you've drained it properly and covered it properly, you shouldn't have to stop.
  • wtnmel
    wtnmel Posts: 3
    Proper running shoes and good running socks did the trick for me. I started off in 'gym' socks (the white cotton variety) but when I got my first pair of running shoes (have been back doing it on and off since 2007) I got some Hilly socks which are padded around the foot .. not had any problems since. I find the application of some petroleum jelly (V******e) on any 'hot spots' keeps blisters away. Hope this helps ..
  • lisab42
    lisab42 Posts: 98 Member
    You've already got the shoe advice but how about your socks? Cotton will absorb sweat and won't breathe, causing the sock to stick to your foot and creating friction and then blisters. Trust me, I had to learn that one the hard way. Go to a local running store and invest in some good socks.
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    yep, its the shoes, i am a new runner ( i hate running but am determined) and i dont have a blister problem, i started out with a good fitting.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    New shoes fitted at a running store and some non-cotton socks have completely cured me of blisters.

    What he said. I like thorlo double layer blister free socks.

    Also, if your feet are very dry, that will also make you more susceptible to blisters. The peppermit foot lotion at the Body Shop was created for London marathoners and I've used that in the past with good results. You can also try some body glide on problem areas as well before you run.
  • amayzingamanda
    amayzingamanda Posts: 254 Member
    New shoes are definitely coming for me soon.
    I'm a little confused on the sock thing though? Non-cotton? what if your feet sweat? I'm definitely willing to invest in some pairs for just running though. Anyone recommend brands or certain features I should look for?
    I may try that peppermint lotion too.
    Thanks to everyone for the advice so far!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    New shoes are definitely coming for me soon.
    I'm a little confused on the sock thing though? Non-cotton? what if your feet sweat? I'm definitely willing to invest in some pairs for just running though. Anyone recommend brands or certain features I should look for?
    I may try that peppermint lotion too.
    Thanks to everyone for the advice so far!

    Non-cotton, sweat wicking fabric. If your feet sweat, it wicks it away. Some come with double layers and people find them helpful.

    There is a brand called "feetures." I like those. Also, I like Nike's running socks as well.
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    I have a pair of feetures that I got when I bought my shoes at Fleet Feet. They're pretty awesome socks, but they're $15 a pair. I went to target and found a 3 pack of non-cotton athletic socks that work just as well for only $8 for all 3 pairs.