9 months to drop 90 lbs



  • Congratulations! That's a great motivator. Try not to focus too much on all the weight you need to lose. Just think about the first five pounds for right now. Then the next five pounds, and so on.
    My history is similar to yours, i.e. life long struggle. And I happen to need to drop about 90 pounds myself, so if you're willing, let's have a friendly race to our finish line.
    Normally, I don't do these social networking sites, but my sister has had tremendous success using this site, so I thought I'd give it a try. (I think she went from a size 18 to a size 6.) Let's get moving!
  • asunshinec
    asunshinec Posts: 74
    Congratulations - on the baby and on your decision to get healthier! =) I've just started using MFP and I love it already.
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Congratulations on both the new baby's expected arrival and your resolve to get fit. as many others have said, a healthy lifestyle and changing your habits is really the key. I have only been on this site for a short time and just started really using it 2 weeks ago. but I ended a year of a program to change my lifestyle and this site closely resembled it.

    what has helped me lose 84 pounds in that time is to track everything I eat throughout the day, so if you don't log on during the day, keep a handwritten journal. always keeping the calorie and fat goals in mind and planning ahead. Plus I plan my snacks throughout the day to keep me from getting hungry. lastly, increasing your activity or exercise and it can be walking, swimming or doing the treadmill and stationary bike.

    I had years of up and down weight and never had much success except short term with low carb. but now I eat pretty much anything that is within my daily goals. I love bread and pasta and have learned that I can have it if I am careful what is on it and what it is paired with. Good luck to you. You can do this for yourself!!!!

    Also there are so many new products out there that are lower calorie and lower fat and really tasty
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. Before we go any further, let me correct a misconception about this web site. IT IS NOT THE SITE THAT CREATES THE WEIGHT LOSS!!! You have to do the work and frankly, you could just as well record your food and exercise diary on a piece of paper as enter it here and you might be successful.

    That said, there is something about putting your journey toward good health out in public that motivates. AND the community that populates this site can offer you support and encouragement.

    My recommendation would be that you "friend" Tomhusker who posted above. He has lost nearly 100 pounds in the past six months. His work ethic is unbelievable and he finds ways to incorporate exercise into his every day life.

    Congrats on the impending birth and good luck on your return to health.
  • I feel you on that I am 38 with 3 young adult girls 19,20,21 and my youngest just had a baby. I am a very young "grandmother" so I want to be able to play with Blake when its time for trips to the park and such, Much encouragement to you!!
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