Busy Mom Needs to Lose 50 lbs!

Hi! I'm looking for some friends. I'm a busy mom trying to lose 50! Let's motivate each other!


  • auntieem69
    auntieem69 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!
    I'm a busy daughter trying to take care of my mom and lose over 50. :smile:
    Starting weight: 248
    Current weight: 234
    Goal weight: 150-170
    Height: 5' 4.75"
    I eat low carb (keto) and sometimes have cheat meals/days. I generally eat the same things every day, and it's been working well for me. I have been cheating more often than I would prefer, though, so I think an accountability partner might be helpful to me in that area.
  • RaeAneJF
    RaeAneJF Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi! I'm new to this and looking for some friends. I'm a busy mom of two trying to lose 70 pounds! Let's motivate each other!
  • leahghenry
    leahghenry Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm in! My weakness in Reese's peanut butter cups and today my student brought me 5 of them! Ooooohhh the temptation!
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    edited April 2016
    Add me please ladies I still have 68lbs to go but I am down 26lbs right now. Join me on this fat blasting mission haha!!!
    I eat low carb too, well no rice, potatoes or pasta mainly protein and veggies. All three of those are my weakness and cutting them out has just made my weightloss journey easier to manage.
    I am a mum of 2 little tikes ages 1 and 2 so always on the go and get hardly a minute for me but that's life.
  • blb_86
    blb_86 Posts: 61 Member
    I am a mom who gained way to much and kept it on after my pregnancy. Down 32lbs so far and 30 more to go. Would love more support from other mamas. Feel free to add me!
  • ninjanina1990
    ninjanina1990 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! I've lost 9 kg so far and looking to lose another 20/25!! Would love some mumma friends to keep me on track! Add me please
  • amyvanblaricom
    amyvanblaricom Posts: 62 Member
    I am a busy mom of 3. I have lost 90 pound and am at my goal weight. It is much harder trying to eat right while feeding you kids and find time to exercise. I used them as a big excuse not to get healthy and finally I used them for a reason to get healthy. Even when you fall off just get back on. Even if it comes off really slowly everything you do makes a difference.
  • amyvanblaricom
    amyvanblaricom Posts: 62 Member
    auntieem69 wrote: »
    I'm in!
    I'm a busy daughter trying to take care of my mom and lose over 50. :smile:
    Starting weight: 248
    Current weight: 234
    Goal weight: 150-170
    Height: 5' 4.75"
    I eat low carb (keto) and sometimes have cheat meals/days. I generally eat the same things every day, and it's been working well for me. I have been cheating more often than I would prefer, though, so I think an accountability partner might be helpful to me in that area.

    Just keep doing what you are doing and don't give up. Every little bit of effort is worth is. I started out at 238 and am down to 148 and happy. It really does feel good.
  • a0akley
    a0akley Posts: 36 Member
    I am a fulltime working mom of 2 and 5 yr old. What kills my diet is THEIR food!!! I adore goldfish crackers and PB and J. Picking off of their plates is bad habit. I find time to workout every morning though, but I have to get up before them, around 5:30. That has worked great for me plus it gives me ME time while the rest of the house sleeps. If I'm lucky I'll get a cup of coffee afterwards in the quiet too until I hear little footsteps....
  • DreamFighter2019
    DreamFighter2019 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys! Mom of 3 here. FINALLY getting off my butt & getting in gear to lose this baby weight. I was at 204, but I've managed to drop 15 pounds, and about 35 pounds to go until my goal of: 150. I enjoy working out in the early AM (6) because it's quiet & some me time, before I have to send the first kid to school. My diet is very low sodium & low sugar (if none at all), usually low carb if it's an option in whatever I'm eating. No cheat days! But my biggest weakness is trying not to snack on my kids leftover plate!
  • kris10cass
    kris10cass Posts: 47 Member
    Have a 2 year old daughter... 20 days until summer break... started to get serious the past couple months. I have 2 trips coming up that I am trying to get in shape for.... and then will hope to get pregnant again after the summer... and gain it all back-- kidding! Feel free to add!
  • toswalt1447
    toswalt1447 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in too! First time mom :smile: My daughter is 10 months old. I have PCOS and after having my daughter, my body has been out of control. I have gained weight like crazy. I actually weigh more now than I did at 9 months pregnant :( but finally got the time and motivation to lose this!
  • kaylaortega81
    kaylaortega81 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in! I'm a mother of 2. 7month old and A 19 month old. Neither are in school yet. Husband is the bread winner in the house hold, therefore I'm home 24/7. Trust me, its very difficult to find the motivation to not just sit around all day. Especially when they nap!!! Need to loose 40lbs!!! Gained more with 2nd pregnancy. And now I feel...real bad about how I look. I'm 21, and almost over 200. Would love to get back down at least what I was with first pregnancy... 135.
    Feel free to add me!!!