
Hello All,
How many of you mess up on the weekends? I am struggling with weekends. I always go into the weekend with a positive attitude. I tell myself that I am going to keep track of my foods, and not let my kids or husband stop me from staying on track. well long story short, i can never make it through the weekend without messing up. i don't keep track of my foods, i will have a few drinks with my husband, i will have that smores my kids offers me. i can't break my kids heart. so frustrating at times. how do you handle the weekends, when life is busy and kids and husband are eating whatever? i make healthy meals, but it is the inbetween things.
any suggestions is greatly appreciated. thankyou!!!


  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    Oh I am there with you! It can be hard on the evenings and weekends when your guy and kids eat whatever they want and you want to join in or when you are busy and unhealthy options are easier then the healthy ones. I don't really have any solutions I just try not to be so hard on myself. I usually take a 90 minute spin and toning class on Saturdays so then I basically have Sunday "off". I don't think of it as a "cheat" day I just don't worry too much about it. I figure I will make up for it during the week and just enjoy my time wtih my family and have an indulgence or two. Good luck!
  • emciriaco
    emciriaco Posts: 41
    Weekends are tougher for me, too, but my husband and son are used to seeing me eat something different from what they're having. This past weekend was rough: I took my son to 2 birthday parties, and it was no small feat to avoid cake at both of them.

    I'd suggest planning ahead for some of the higher-calorie snacks and make sure you keep breakfast really light to compensate. I know it's the only way I manage it!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Hi Sabrina,
    My suggestion would be to keep low cal snacks on hand at all times.. I keep yogurt pretzels, cheese and crackers, brownies , and popcorn .. all in the snack aisle at the supermarkte and all for only 100 cal per serving. My whole family is on MFP.. little do they know *hehe* :laugh: but thats what i buy now, so if they want a snack i offer them fruit, jello , or one of my low cal snacks. Hope this helps :)
    Monica :happy:
  • kimdoes
    kimdoes Posts: 90
    I did very well Saturday. We had the Bowater family picnic. There are hotdogs, hamburgers, ice-cream, snow cones, cotton candy, candy apples, popcorn, soft drinks... Ugghhh!! Every year I have splurged. Everything there is free for the taking and I have ALWAYS loved it. This year, I packed strawberries, fat free cottage cheese, melba toast, boiled chicken, and chickpeas. I took a liter of water and just refilled it. I was so proud of myself for not caving to any of that stuff. Yesterday, I walked into my Moma's house and she'd just pulled a peach cobbler out of the oven! OMG I ate some... a LOT. Then last night at my friends house, I had cookies (A LOT) and pasta w hamburger meat and 3 pieces of garlic toast. But my stomach felt so heavy and gross afterward.
    So- there you have it. You do not stand alone when it comes to weekend struggles! I'm interested in the suggestions you get though. :)
  • Shaylaluvsya
    Man I wish I could give you suggestions, I have the same problem...Let's beat this!!!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I too find the weekends hard. I never log my food over the weekend, I should as I know it would be high. I snack on the kids leftovers, make them pancakes and have one myself when I don't need it etc etc.

    I think though if you are good for breakfast and dinner, then the odd 'bad' thing isn't the end of the world. Besides when we work hard during the week with our food, I feel it's ok to blow-out a bit at the weekend. Life is for living I keep saying.

    What we have been doing the past few weekends, is having our main big meal of the day at lunch time, preferrably when the kids go for their afternoon nap (they are 2+half and 1+half) so we can sit at the kitchen table and have an adult, no interupption conversation over the meal. I enjoy it alot.
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I would say, still log even if you are over. I have two kids. My oldest is 15 and is eating healthier and working out with me. My 9 y/o has the metabolism of a gnat and can basically eat anything he wants but I’ve discussed with him what I am doing and why so that he understands. He no longer pushes me to have a smore or go out for ice cream. He will say, “Mom, have you earned a cheat day so we can go get frozen yogurt?” What he calls a cheat day is when I’ve worked out and earned extra calories. There is nothing funnier than having a nine year old look at you and say, “How is it going to look when you log all of this?” LOL I would say talk to your kids and just explain that you want to be healthy for them and yourself. I keep a box of the 100-calorie (or less) packs of goodies, i.e. chocolate covered pretzels, Fiber One brownies, Rice Krispie Treats etc. in the house so when he has smores or the likes, I still sit with him and eat but I have my treat, not his.
  • Sarw27
    Sarw27 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm going to have to try some of these tips and tricks for this Canada Day / 4th of July long weekend. I'm single with no kids but I'm always out on the go with friends (eating on the run!) or else at home eating out of boredom on the weekend. I think maybe this time I'll have to buy some snacks/food that will stay fresh in my car. That way I can keep myself busy and entertained but still have good food to eat when I need it. I also downloaded the My Fitness Pal Blackberry ap, but I haven't used it yet!

    Good luck ladies, this is a tough one!