
Good Morning,
So this morning I signed up for this website because what I have been doing, hasn't been and isn't working for me anymore. Previously, in 2008 I started on a diet (prescribed by my doctor), 400 calories per day and phentermine 37.5. I was to work out for 30 minutes per day - walking only. In 2008 the diet did wonders, but I was in college so I was able to manipulate my schedule and eating habits to fit my life style. I was able to lose 60 pounds and I felt better than I had ever felt before. Soon after getting off the diet I gained about 10 pounds back, but I knew I would gain some weight so it didn't both me. I was able to remain at the constant of 160 pounds (which was very good for me) until I had to have an abdominal surgery - this surgery threw me off of my workout schedule and since it was an emergency, my mom came to take care of me. I began to eat her cooking, delicious but deadly when it comes to a diet.

So now I am back to where I started. I have failed completely. I started back on the phentermine and the diet, problem is that this time, I am out of college and work full time in a field that keeps me in my car and working odd hours at times. I end up eating out a lot and it's extremely difficult to control. I also found that I cannot starve myself the way I used to be able to, and the heart palpitations I was feeling probably weren't normal.

This morning I had a massive breakdown, bawling my eyes out to my boyfriend (amazed he made it to work on time after all of this). He said something that really clicked - this way isn't working anymore. We are two educated, intelligent people, and we need to change our lifestyles to get the results that we want. I realized that he is completely right and he is willing to support me. I feel terrible for him - he met me when I was normal sized and attractive; he didn't sign up to date what I am now, but he has stayed with me and never complained once.

I really think that I am on the right track by getting on here, but I am extremely concerned about a couple of things.
1. Staying motivated when I don't lose weight as quickly as I did on the drug
2. I am worried my metabolism has dropped down to a point where I will not be able to lose weight like someone with a normal metabolism. My doctor told me that on this medication, my metabolism would take a severe hit.
3. Being able to eat healthy when I often drive 3 hours one way for work. Many days this resorts me to eating out and eating on the go.
4. Planning meals - I have no idea how to grocery shop or plan meals. Every night is essentially the same, we come home, ask each other what we want to eat and either order it or go get the groceries we need to make it. Does anyone have a better way to go about grocery shopping/meal planning?

Any input would be extremely appreciated.

Thanks for listening :)


  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Hi there and welcome,

    Firstly, don’t feel like a failure. You’re back to addressing it, and that’s what matters.

    You’re lucky to have the support of your boyfriend, and any changes you make will do him good as well as you! (I’ve been single for some time and I hate it!)

    Your metabolism ‘might’ be damaged, but it might not. And even if it is, studies suggest that it’s reparable anyway, so if you’ve undereaten, ‘normal weight loss’ calories might make you gain for a bit, but it’ll stabilise and you’ll lose again.

    Exercise definitely helps, both for health and weight loss, but plenty of people lose without it, so don’t freak too much about that.

    I can’t help much with planning, but I guess it’s simple. I do Dukan (which I’m not necessarily suggesting but check my diary if you like – high protein/low carb as it fills me up for longer and doesn’t have any of my bingey trigger foods in it).

    Feel free to add me if you like XXX
  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    First of! I cannot believe a doctor would recommend you eat only 400 calories a day!!! You did literally starve your body and deprive it from essential nutrients that are needed to keep your body running. I'm not sure how you had the energy to even get through the day!

    I think a great goal for you is to try to just get healthy. I don't know where you're at right now, but eat a minimum of 1200 less than that. Eating under that amount causes your body to go into starvation mode and you will store everything you put in your body because your system thinks it won't get fed, and it has to create energy using something. Also, when you don't get enough calories, your body will literally start to eat itself...not only fat cells, but muscle cells as well. Those muscle cells are what help boost your metabolic rate. Try your best not to deplete your system of nutrients and work towards a healthy lifestyle change rather than dieting.

    Being on the go is generally an issue for a lot of us and it's certainly easy to run through the drive thru and get whatever sounds good. Planning meals can be tricky when you have this lifestyle for sure! If it's possible, sit down with your boyfriend and plan out a week at a time what your meals will be. When you grocery shop, avoid going down the aisles where you'll find processed food. It may be cheaper, but those foods are full of sodium and empty calories. Opt for fresh fruits and veggies when possible. These types of foods are much more filling and will provide you with essential nutrients. In the mornings, try to eat a filling breakfast. A good rule of thumb is to get one serving of protein, one serving of carbs and one serving of fruits and/or veggies at each meal. Pack your lunch the night before so you just have to grab it on your way out the door. Snack on baby carrots, apple slices, celery w/peanut butter, nuts, and foods like these, which are easy to pack into a small ice chest or insulated lunch bag. If you portion your food out before, it'll help keep you from overeating, although if you're eating good stuff, it's not as detrimental to your lifestyle as if these snacks were chips and cookies.

    If you can make these small changes, you'll be on the road to a healthier you. Implementing some cardio and strength exercises will be helpful, but I'd try to make one small change at a time. Afterall, anyone can eat an elephant one bite at a time...and maybe that's a bad analogy for this site, but you get what I mean.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    The way I plan our food is first I make up a calendar so I know how many meals I'm planning for. I fill in our favorites and then I start perusing the cookbooks or recipe sites and fill in the rest. As i go I keep a list of ingredients that I'll need to complete the meals I'm planning. By the time I'm done I have full menu (I do by the month but you could easily do it weekly or bi-weekly) and I have a grocery list.

    There are many online resources for meal planning as well as software programs. If you use a Mac I highly suggest "Yummy Soup". It's a great recipe program, not very expensive (I think I paid $15) and as you fill in the meals you want to plan it makes a grocery shopping list for you too. If you don't use a Mac or don't want to buy something just google "meal planning" and I'm sure you'll come across tons of helpful sites.

    But the short of it is; figure out how many meals you're planning for (1 week, 2 weeks, month, etc), decided what meals you're going to eat during those days and then make a shopping list according to that. It's a little time consuming especially at first but it saves you time and money in the long run. You can buy bulk packages of the things you're eating more of, you get more variety because you've purchased the items to try new recipes and your diet ends up much more varied than it would be otherwise. We'd probably eat nothing but chicken breasts if I didn't do this. :D You can message me if you need more help.
  • Panthers2010
    Thank you all for your tips and pointers :) I just signed up on a weekly meal planner. I have the book "hungry girl" - it has awesome recipes, but I think I am going to order the book "the art of eating at home". I really appreciate the support and help!!