Tips on losing 15 pounds in 2 months

How do you curb cravings? Stay motive? Not think about food all the time


  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Realize that you likely won't invite too many people to watch you weigh naked in the bathroom in the morning to even see the scale.
    And you probably won't wear a scale with current weight and sign for goal weight on it for people to even know.

    But they will see you - and that means inches if there is anything they will actually see.

    Unless you are MMA fighter trying to make weight class.

    Otherwise, follow great advice above and include decent amount of resistance training to improve shape people will see.
  • nathan_haveagoodday
    nathan_haveagoodday Posts: 38 Member
    Couple quick tips. For me mild exercise (light walking and such) can be an appetite suppressant but overdoing it really makes me hungry. Keep food off of counters and hidden away behind a cupboard door. Out of sight really helps. Eat more nutrient/fiber dense food and eat a wider variety of food. If you are a weigh yourself everyday person get a weight tracking app like Libra (android) that tracks trends.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Planning on losing this much in four months. If I was trying faster I would join a gym
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Don't try to lose so fast. Try .5-1 lb per week. It will solve all those issues.

    ^I'm going to agree with this. @Racheldasilva174 you've posted several times in the last month about the stress of having high weight loss goals and a deadline and about some binging issues you've been having. It might be time to take a step back and see if the two are connected.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    How do you curb cravings? Stay motive? Not think about food all the time

    15 pounds between May 1st (today) and June 31st gives you 8 1/2 weeks (2 full months) to shed on average 1.76 pounds per week. That is doable, but will take discipline of maintaining your deficit which you can boost with exercise. That's pretty aggressive and will most likely leave you feeling tired, disturb your sleep, and in the case of exercise - not allow for the best recovery between sessions which again, will leave you feeling lethargic come afternoon. Adjusting your goals to 1 pound per week would be easier, but up to 2 pounds per week can be accomplished.

    You can think about food - that's fine. You can stay motivated. And you can curb craving's. Water, black tea/black coffee, chewing gum between meals.

    I like using routine breakfast and lunch meals during a weight cut that I know what the calorie count is, food that I enjoy eating and that takes the guess work out of what to eat. Dinner can be full of some high volume leafy greens, vegetables - things that provide you with the task of having to chew a lot with some protein mixed in that all meets your calorie count to achieve the deficit you need to lose the weight. My favorite are salads, or whatever I throw in the Wok (Bok Choy, Leeks, broccoli, peppers, snow peas, carrots, mushrooms, lemon juice, garlic, ginger) and can eat a bunch of volume that way due to the lower calorie counts. A little protein with it as well (shrimp, salmon, chicken, beef) for extra chew, nutrients and one feels satiated.

    Can you walk 1 - 2 hours per day? Can you bicycle 1-2 hours per day? Can you jog for 1 hour per day? Can you lift weights 2 to 3 x per week? These would all help you create a deficit, but also allow you to eat a bit more than you could if you were just cutting calories on their own and not being active. I find that helps satiate one's need to enjoy food while losing weight.