Pregnancy and weight loss/nutrition

Hey friends I am six weeks pregnant with our first. I weighed 300lb when Starting mfp and got down to 210. I started gaining after I got married due to the birth control hormones and depression and anxiety. I now weigh 259lbs. Decided to stop bc a couple months ago so that I could focus on getting back on track. So now Im pregnant and I was wondering if anyone has lost weight successfully in the first two trimesters. Im a 1600 calories currently and plan to bump that to 1800 at week 14, and then 2000 during my final trimester. Im also excited to start geting back on the trails with our local hike it baby group.

Im looking for any advice or feedback from other moms out there.

- Sara


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    That's something you'll definitely want to check with your doctor about. I wouldn't mess around with the internet when it comes to something as serious as the health and nutrition of your baby.
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    This is probably better left to your doctor to answer but for me personally, I always lost weight in my first 2 trimesters because I didn't have much appetite. I follow the Bradley method so I focused on eating protein and nutrient rich veggies. I also try to walk as much as possible which was good for my sciatica.
  • Sara7Taylor
    Sara7Taylor Posts: 112 Member
    I have my first OB appointment tomorrow and had already planned on talking about it. I wont do anything unsafe and unhealthy. I was just curious about others experiences. :)
  • Sara7Taylor
    Sara7Taylor Posts: 112 Member

    This is probably better left to your doctor to answer but for me personally, I always lost weight in my first 2 trimesters because I didn't have much appetite. I follow the Bradley method so I focused on eating protein and nutrient rich veggies. I also try to walk as much as possible which was good for my sciatica.

    I love walking and am definitely planning on staying active. I get tension headaches and migraines. Walking really helps to decrease muscle tension and pain.

  • cjbarnett98
    cjbarnett98 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations! I currently have a 7 week old. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. While that was somewhat terrifying it turned out to be a good thing for my weight because it made me focus on the content of what I was eating. I would recommend focusing less on calories and more on nutritional content and how your body feels. If you are hungry you and your baby need food so eat just make sure it is good nutritious fuel and try to stay away from unhealthy cravings. By doing that and watching my carb intake I was able to maintain a healthy amount of weight gain during my pregnancy and actually came out 10lbs lighter at my 6 week checkup than I was when I found out I was pregnant. Admitey for me that's because I was eating better food and not necessarily less food. Breastfeeding (that alone burns extra calories) while maintaining a healthy diet, watching my calorie intake (but not by too much) and adding more exercise seems to be working for me now. I don't have a scale at home so I can't tell you by how much but I have another appointment in a couple of weeks and I expect good results because I'm feeling great and know I'm treating my body better. That's just what worked for me. Good luck to you and congratulations again! Creating a new life is an amazing thing!!
  • Sara7Taylor
    Sara7Taylor Posts: 112 Member
    Congratulations! I currently have a 7 week old. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. While that was somewhat terrifying it turned out to be a good thing for my weight because it made me focus on the content of what I was eating. I would recommend focusing less on calories and more on nutritional content and how your body feels. If you are hungry you and your baby need food so eat just make sure it is good nutritious fuel and try to stay away from unhealthy cravings. By doing that and watching my carb intake I was able to maintain a healthy amount of weight gain during my pregnancy and actually came out 10lbs lighter at my 6 week checkup than I was when I found out I was pregnant. Admitey for me that's because I was eating better food and not necessarily less food. Breastfeeding (that alone burns extra calories) while maintaining a healthy diet, watching my calorie intake (but not by too much) and adding more exercise seems to be working for me now. I don't have a scale at home so I can't tell you by how much but I have another appointment in a couple of weeks and I expect good results because I'm feeling great and know I'm treating my body better. That's just what worked for me. Good luck to you and congratulations again! Creating a new life is an amazing thing!!

    Thanks for the good tips! I had a great appointment with my midwife today. She said that is is safe to lose weight and encouraged me to do so. She even set me up with a nutritionist in her office to help me make sure baby gets what it needs. She really wants me to focus on protein. She said my plan for 1600 calories first trimester, 1800 2nd trimester, and 2000 3rd trimester was great and that I should be able to steadily lose weight throughout my pregnancy which will help me to birth naturally without meds in the alternative birthing center adjacent to the hospital.
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    I sent you a message. I lost weight during my first trimester with my son and my OB was happy with it. The biggest thing is to continue to eat healthy and not deprive your body of what it needs. If you are hungry, EAT, but make healthy choices. Easier said than done sometimes. ;)
  • ashleyjongepier
    ashleyjongepier Posts: 130 Member
    I was 290 when I got pregnant and lost some weight but not from trying. I walked more and tried to eat better, which lead to the loss. I gained 30 lbs over my pregnancy which I lost by my 6 week check up after birth.

    Talk to your OB, not many are in favor of even big women losing weight while pregnant.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Look at it this way. If you maintain or gain slightly you still will end up ahead. I suggest staying away from the scale except for checkups and concentrate on daily nutritional goals. Get your daily protein, fruits and veggies daily. Are you taking a Folic Acid supplement?
  • Sara7Taylor
    Sara7Taylor Posts: 112 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Look at it this way. If you maintain or gain slightly you still will end up ahead. I suggest staying away from the scale except for checkups and concentrate on daily nutritional goals. Get your daily protein, fruits and veggies daily. Are you taking a Folic Acid supplement?

    My midwife gave me permission to lose during pregnancy. If it doesn't happen like I want it to thats ok. I know baby comes first.

    My prenatal has 400mcg folic acid. Should be good enough for neuro tube development