It's hot!

It's hot here and I'm craving icecream. :tongue:


  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Its hot here in North Carolina too. I get off work at four, but set my air conditioning at home to come on at six. If I want to keep cool until six, there's always to gym! Diabolical!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Stay strong!!
    Haha :)
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    Frozen grapes or fruit can be really refreshing.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I had ice cream yesterday... it was amazing! LOL
  • JoBFit
    JoBFit Posts: 81
    Yes I am that sad! I went to the gym this morning just to get some cool,air-conditioned loveliness! I did happen to do a workout while I was there so it's ok I guess. BUT I did treat myself to an ice-cream in the garden this afternoon xx
  • tuscaroragal
    tuscaroragal Posts: 78 Member
    I'm digging the sugar free fudge pops myself...Only 40 calories! :)
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    I am in Lincolnshire and it is sooooooooooooooo humid! Its currently 31 c but the sun is not out, just muggy!

    I am so cranky because of it!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    It has been very hot today, apparently we're due thunderstorms that might cool it down....and you might not want ice cream anymore?

    Iceland to lolly ice cream sticks only 60 cals each!:bigsmile:
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    make your own, lower fat version! is really good, though high in fruit sugars but we can't have everything.

    also, keep some bits of peeled/chopped banana in the freezer and when you feel the urge, blitz them up in a food processor. this makes the most amazing creamy ice dessert that you would swear had cream in it.

    (enabler, who me? :wink: )
  • Oaneer
    Oaneer Posts: 11
    It is 115 out here in Central Arizona...
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I'm not liking the banana frozen and blitzed. It goes too slimey. I really like banana but not mushed.

    I tried making some icecream with quark and berries and some sweetner. It was okay but nothing like proper icecream and when it was left int he freezer too long it went rock solid.

    Mini milks are quite good, i'm pretty sure they are about 50 cals or somethign like that, they are in the database. The chocolate ones are lush. Tesco's own version are even nicer than the walls ones but slightly more calories.
  • SallyC5
    SallyC5 Posts: 9
    Some good ideas there, thanks! :happy:
    The problem is I have some high calorie ice cream in the freezer which will "need" to be eaten at some stage!! As I only joined here this week, I haven't sorted out alternatives yet.:smile: Now, I wonder how many calories are in a teaspoon of icecream... (maybe it would be too tempting to replenish the spoon!)
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    It's been hot here the last couple of days too and i had some ben and jerry's in. I did manage to have small amounts and not eat it all in one go. As long as you stay in your calories a little icecream wont hurt.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    My boss bought me an ice cream today without asking so I couldn't really say no. :)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    100 degrees here in South East Texas.... not fun!
  • SallyC5
    SallyC5 Posts: 9
    I managed to resist the ice cream but had a glass of lemonade instead. Then found I was over my calorie intake today by the same number of calories as that lemonade! Aaargh! :sad: So close! I've yet to get my calorie intake down to my target level. Still, I'm eating less than I would have done if not on MFP.:smile: