Mindlessly eating and I can't/won't stop

A little back story. I've been losing and gaining weight since I've been 19. I am currently 34. I've never maintained for more than a few months at a time. I started on MFP almost a year ago after having my child. I lost 50lbs and am down to 129/130lbs. My goal weight is 123. These past few weeks I've been eating closer to maintenance. I'm pretty close to goal so I've been giving myself a break. A few days this week I went over maintenance though.

Today we are visiting family in Ny and have a big dinner tonight and 2 family get togethers tomorrow revolving around food. I've been munching on food at my moms all day and it's the mindless binge type of munching where I'm not even hungry it's just in my face and I want it. I'm already over maintenance and the dinner hasn't even happened. I'm so scared that this weekend will be an all out bingefest. Adding to my concern, we are flying to Florida on Tuesday to visit family there. So the whole week will be a bust. I've always been able to handle a day or two of over eating. I get back into my environment and start the process over. But a whole week of it is really scary and I'm already having out of control feelings. I know it's all in my head. How can I feel like I'm in control? Especially since I will be using estimates for a week. Any advice would be appreciated. Also I'm approaching the lowest weight I've ever been so it's like another self sabotage mind game where I say to myself, "off course you can't stay in the 120's".


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    How tall are you?
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    edited May 2016
    When you want to stuff your face go out for a walk or try to guide things into activities that involve exercise. If your family focuses nearly all gatherings around food (like a lot of families), then learn to put a reasonable amount of food on your plate and eat it slowly. If you can't weigh and measure and you have to estimate (yea, don't pull the scale out of your purse in front of family . . .lol), then focus on the vegetables and lean meats and leave the starches and sweets alone (or be very careful with portions). We all know it's way too easy to underestimate. That said, try to find a balance and have fun.
  • ritzbits190
    ritzbits190 Posts: 36 Member
    How tall are you?

  • mommasplash
    mommasplash Posts: 22 Member
    I totally relate to what you are saying. That's why I say 'Try not to worry'...I wasted many years of my life being in exactly the same state as you are in now. I truly wish I hadn't been so hard on myself. But it's easy to say that in hind sight. When you're experiencing it, it doesn't feel so easy!
    Say to yourself that it's only for a comparatively short time, and when you're back at home it won't take long before you're back in your usual routine. I understand the fear around all this - and used to experience it over and over, myself.
    Wanting to eat all the time, especially when you've been very disciplined for a long time can feel as if you're veering 'out of control', but I would say, trust yourself that you WILL find a balance.
    Try not to see it as self sabotage - that just gives power to the notion that you're out of control. You will regain that balance.
    Be kind to yourself above all - things always get worse when you beat up on yourself...Enjoy your trip, and go easy on yourself. With a young child to take care of, you're having enough to worry about I should imagine! As I said, be kind to yourself :) Take it easy, and eat slowly if you can. That helps.
  • ritzbits190
    ritzbits190 Posts: 36 Member
    @Mommasplash thank you so much for your advice and kind words! That's exactly what I needed to hear.
  • ritzbits190
    ritzbits190 Posts: 36 Member
    @sunnybeaches105 thank you for the tips!!
  • freakymistkd
    freakymistkd Posts: 586 Member
    Try not to spend the time you're on holidays /or at family get togethers worrying and stressing about food. Enjoy yourself and then once it's all over and you're back I'm your normal life/routine get back on track. You might set your goal back a little but having a short amount of time enjoying food with your family doesn't mean you won't ever reach your goals just as long as you pick yourself back up at the end of it all.

    The most important thing is to have a relaxing time with your family.