New & Really Needing Support to Lose Weight

mrsg3271018 Posts: 1 Member
I am 30 yrs old, mother of 3. I just recently had my son February 21st 2016, I am 5'4" @ 232 pounds. My kids are great but they don't see mommy as being over weight or that there is an issue. My husband doesn't understand because he can eat whatever he wants and still looks amazing or is able to drop weight like it's nothing.


  • navdeeprana
    navdeeprana Posts: 473 Member
    Feel free to add cheers
  • kenyafranz
    kenyafranz Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on your decision! As a note of encouragement, my child development class really emphasized the need for parents to lead as an example when it comes to making healthy choices. It noted a study about how rates of obesity were much lower among children whose parents were actively trying to be healthy. To sum it up, when mom or dad recognize the issue being overweight, their children will start to recognize it as well.

    You might want to mention to your husband that it is biologically harder for women to lose weight and try to get him on board and helping you out (maybe by reminding you to log calories or encouraging more physical activity) and find ways to get your children "helping mommy get fit". It's much easier when the people you love are involved and supportive.