Recovering from Knee Surgery - Looking for Weight Loss Buddies

Hi! I'm a 44 year old woman who believes she is still 30. Except that I severed my PCL a few years ago and then my ACL (same knee) so I'm suddenly having to figure out how to lose weight in a new way.

In the past, I've been able to just "hit it" when I wanted to lose weight. So I'd do a killer cardio class or an intense spin class or run. Now those options are off the table.

If you - like me - need to lose weight but have to find creative ways to do it that don't involve intense cardio or running, I'd love to connect. I have to lose 45 pounds and am looking for others who need / want / are forced to do this in a non cardio intensive way!

Looking forward to hearing from you!



  • garfinkel5
    garfinkel5 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Anne, how's it going? I'm 50, and a competitive masters rower. Until 2 weeks ago my training goals were about masters nationals and making it into my team boat for head of the Charles. Then I broke my foot and had surgery last Friday. On Wednesday I get stitches out and find out what's next, NWB, boot, how long, PT, etc. I totally hear you about not being able to hit it :-/

    Post surgery I've been shocked at how fatigued I become by making it downstairs for food. The weight loss part is actually happening pretty well since my fancy meal now consists of cereal WITH berries, which is a 20 min ordeal to make and clean up. As a weight loss plan here's what I do: 1 bowl of cereal with berries and yogurt (nonfat Greek plain) or almond milk plus one civilized meal with my husband where I get to eat whatever the heck I want plus ice cream. Plus a 1000 mg vitamin C, 4000 mg D3, multivitamin with minerals and 2000 mg HMB to cover any nutrition deficit caused by said diet. I also eat an English muffin with butter and jam plus coffee with the pills. So far I'd guess I've lost 5-8 lbs based on the way I look in the mirror (scale not an option!)

    Today I started a workout (lol, should have that in quotes) that consisted of 10 min of abs/core 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. I did crunches, super girl, Russian twist, 6" leg lift and hold, bird dog, sculler holds. One thing I've worked hard to get and want to keep is a strong core. It really helps with posture on the crutches.

    BTW, my teammate lent me these crutches and I HIGHLY recommend them She broke her hip and returned to rowing the same year and proceeded to win various events in her age category (she's 55). So I have really great role models and a team of killer women who keep checking in with me - they are my motivation to do the recovery right and come back strong.

    Thanks for listening, now back to level 600 candy crush
  • garfinkel5
    garfinkel5 Posts: 6 Member
    PS, consider rowing. It's great for bad knees. Check out these forum posts on Concept2's website - all about rowing after ACL injury/ surgery
  • 6102Beus
    6102Beus Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Anne, I am a 1 1/2 months out from knee surgery myself, while recovering I got depressed and ate constantly. My job requires me to be on my feet all day so recovery has been slow. I have about 55 lbs to lose and trying my best to lose as much as possible before my vacation the 1st week of July. Feel free to add me and we can cheer each other on
  • karensbeetle
    karensbeetle Posts: 11 Member
    Hi i know what you are going through. I have had 4 surgeries on my right knee. Im so over it and my recovery is slow and im a pastry chef so im too on my feet. I can say swimming is the best thing for knees. Add me if you want
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    edited May 2016
    i have a friend who used to use one of those small pedlers (i know, spelling is off in a funny way) and she'd pedal with her hands and arms for half an hour.