Lose 20 lbs by Sept 2016



  • niciabrighteyes
    niciabrighteyes Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2016
    Totally in!!
    Height: 5'7
    cw: 180
    UGW: 145
    Sounds like a perfect jumpstart!
  • amber76bailey
    amber76bailey Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in with you all.... I hAve about 20 pounds to lose
    Sw 283
    Cw 166
    Gw 145
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    Hope everyone's doing well today! I made it to the gym today at lunch, feeling good after sweating a bunch on the arch trainer. (which I really like, btw, and if your gym has one, try it! Easy on the knees and a better burn than elliptical). Heading into the weekend, I'm going to make it my goal to really track everything this weekend. I usually stink at tracking on weekends, so this is my own personal challenge to myself to actually track all my food and try to get one real weekend workout in as well. How do you all stay on track during the weekends?
  • Mavolis
    Mavolis Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in too! To parrot others; I'm grateful for the reasonable, realistic challenge!
    I am not gluten-free but I am on a healthy lifestyle journey so you'll get no criticism or negative sniping from this old girl! :-)
    Looking forward to getting to know y'all!
    SW (just last week) = 172.75 lb.
    CW = 171.5
    GW = 150.0
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Ewunia99,
    Interestingly, I find it easier to stay the course on the weekends. My mind is occupied enough with errands, playing with my dog, yard work, etc., that I'm not totally obsessing over food. That's the trick for me: distraction. However, I'm stuck behind a desk much of my work day and I can easily and mindlessly nibble my way through the day. How do YOU stay on track during the week?
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Connie,

    Yup... I'm on that path; bringing my own food to the office. I'm finding what works for me personally is not so much the smaller but more frequent meals throughout the day because it turns into constant grazing. Nibble nibble nibble. 3 distinct meals and no snacking works best for me. Still struggling with the "all sorts of junk" that others bring in but I hear ya. Patience and persistence.

    Family gatherings: That's a tough one because oftentimes, food = love, right? So not only do we have to deal with our own self control challenges, but also with the pressure from Grandma who made this cake especially for you, or Aunt Mary who made that yummy 5 layer cheese dip because she knows how much you enjoy it, you CAN'T say no it'll hurt THEIR feelings... Argh!!!
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    You all are doing great! I know we can all learn from each other.

    I have two neurological conditions (ataxia & dystonia), that I'd like to use as an excuse to not work out, but I'm not going down easy!! I'm 59 and yes, it gets harder with each passing year. I set my goal at 1200 calories. For me I maintain my weight with that amount of calories. So unless I drop to even lower calories, I don't lose weight without working out. I live in the Rocky Mtns and we are still getting spring snow storms or I'd try walking outside. Maybe later this week! I've stocked up with LOTS of fresh produce. That works for me.

    What works for you?
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    edited May 2016
    1 week down and 1.5 pounds shed, woo hoo!!


    Rocky Mountains, I'm jealous!!

    What works best for me is portion control and journaling my food. A few years ago I was wildly successful with Weight Watchers. Due to an accident and the inability to exercise (or even walk for a few months), I gained it back quickly and am now back at the starting line.

    1200 calories is my goal also... According to all the weight loss calculators out there, I could expect to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs per week with that, but I have a very stubborn, post-menopausal & abused metabolism, so we'll see how that rolls. This week was right on target though!

    My passion is backpacking so I tend towards exercise that is low and slow. But endurance exercise requires time that is sooooo difficult to carve out of the work week. I need to get out of my head about that and embrace realistic goals of a few miles a day on the 'mill or half an hour each morning on the yoga mat... Something! Harrumph.

    I just Googled ataxia & dystonia... I can only imagine the challenges you're juggling, but the tone of your posts tell me you have an optimistic edge to you. You GO, girl!!!
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi All--

    Julia, I have a similar technique as Connie-- the biggest thing that helps me is eeeeeeeeeevery day, even if I'm super tired the night before, packing my lunch and snacks. I even make sure I have some sort of veggie snack to take in the car with me on the commute home so I don't devour everything in sight when I get home. I also lately have been tracking my whole day at work, so I can try to figure out a decent dinner that will also stay within my goal.

    When there are snack and cake at the office -- it's hard. I try to have a little bit but not overdo it.

    I guess the biggest thing that helps me during the week is I sneak out to the gym for my lunch break. I prefer to exercise at lunch, it's the best time of day for me. Gets me out of my office, wakes me up. I just won't work out after work I'm too tired.

    All that stuff keeps me on track during the week, but these past few weeks I just have not been losing. I'm hovering over the same few pounds up and down. I'm trying to not get too frustrated but, I do have about 30 lbs to lose so it should be easier at this early stage!

    I'm trying to figure out ways to get better nutrition rather than just look at calories. I'm definitely eating more whole foods which is helping me feel more energized.
    But! I want the scale to move down!

    My calorie goal is about 1440 but I do eat more if I work out.

    Anyone have tips on how to kick start the scale to move?
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Kick start or drop kick?! ;)
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    I find the more nutrient dense foods I get in the less snacking I do. Not instantly. But my body finally feels satiated and I'm not hungery between meals. Lots of veggies.
  • bearmoodes82
    bearmoodes82 Posts: 3 Member
    ID love to join this challenge!
  • saransaran
    saransaran Posts: 30 Member
    In the past I have not been successful sticking to 1200 calories per day but 1350 seems to work for me. I only lose 1/2 or 1 pound per week but I have learned to be content with that.

    Yesterday was on track with eating and with adding 15 minutes of strength training with a video. Starting slow and easy but I can feel it in my arms today!

    Let's make it a great week!

  • sweetpea965
    sweetpea965 Posts: 3 Member
    Cut up an apple to bite size sprinkle with cinnamon put in microwave cook till tender and enjoy but if kids are around be prepared my grandson loves it
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    saransaran wrote: »
    In the past I have not been successful sticking to 1200 calories per day but 1350 seems to work for me. I only lose 1/2 or 1 pound per week but I have learned to be content with that.

    Yesterday was on track with eating and with adding 15 minutes of strength training with a video. Starting slow and easy but I can feel it in my arms today!

    Let's make it a great week!

    We've all heard the sayings: "Slow and steady wins the race", "Everything in moderation", "It took more than a week to put it on, it takes more than a week to take it off"... Saransaran, I hope your feeling of contentment isn't just a compromise, because you're doing it all exactly right.

    I feel victim to those shows like Biggest Loser. I love watching them, I find them extremely motivating. However, losing 8, 9, 10 pounds a week sets a very unrealistic (and unhealthy) expectation in my own mind and I hate that.

    Remember: Every ounce counts.

    Here's to a great week, everybody!!!
  • MissSunshine012
    MissSunshine012 Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'd love to join this challenge

    CW 163
    GW 135

    I'm really nervous for tonight and I know it sounds silly. I am a Girl Guide leader and my co-leaders brings snacks and juice for the girls......and usually I have a little myself. I'm going to not have ANY tonight.
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    I think we're about a week into this (for those who joined the first day anyway). How is everyone doing? I didn't weigh myself till today. Not good, but it's about what I expected which is why I said, 20 lbs by Sept.

    SW: 220 (in 2009) Can NOT let that happen again!
    CW: 162
    GW: 143

    How is everyone doing?