c25k - Completed my first 5k!

wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
edited May 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Good morning MFP folks.

A little less than two months ago i started training with c25k. At the time, i had been walking a bit, and had built up to being able to run a few hundred feet before gasping for air and feeling my legs start to abandon me. I hated running....

then i signed up for a 5k night run with some friends, and decided i needed some proper training to get into shape. I installed a c25k app, and started reading forums for information on running well and safely, primarily MFP/fitness.

Over the last six weeks, i learned some important lessons:
Breath properly.
  • Keep a slow pace, at which you could converse with a partner.
  • Keep good posture, head up, shoulders relaxed, hands at your hips.
  • Don't cross your hands in front of your body (was very hard to break this habit!).

On Friday, c25k challenged me to run for 22 minutes without a break, and i made it. What's more, i realized i had a little "gas left in the tank" and i pushed on to run an extra half mile, and then walked to complete out the 5k that morning. The first time i'd ever done a 5k; also the first time i'd ever run "extra" of my own volition.... I was surprised and proud.

On Saturday, i ran the charity 5k i had signed up for. It started after sun down. There were around 1000 runners total. And we were running along the packed sand of a beach, as the tide was starting to come in. It was absolutely amazing. I was able to complete the run with my partner at my side, the feeling was incredible.

This morning, Monday, i was back out on the trail to start c25k Week 7. For this first day, i sustained a 25 minute run, and felt great.

Just wanted to brag a bit, and to share my sincere thanks for the MFP community. Good insights from experienced runners equipped me to do this. Reading posts and encouragement from others who are currently or have previously faced these same challenges kept me on the path. My life is better now than it was two short months ago, and i owe a lot of that to the knowledgeable and positive community here at MFP. Thank you all, sincerely!


  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Awesome! Congrats on your accomplishment!
  • angie55575
    angie55575 Posts: 90 Member
    Good for you!!!
  • sarochka85
    sarochka85 Posts: 103 Member
    Wonderful feeling!

  • angelxsss
    angelxsss Posts: 2,402 Member
    Amazing! I signed up for a 5k in October and basically I'm at the same starting point you were at, so this is a real encouragement for me to get started with training :)
  • millzy64
    millzy64 Posts: 50 Member
    Congratulations! I did the same program last spring and ran my first 5k in July. I was a pack a day smoker for over 30 years and 50 lbs overweight for most of my adult life. I feel better at 52 than I did at 25. MFP and C25K are a great combination!
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    You rock! I'm starting week 4 of C25K later today. Love hearing the success stories!
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I'm finishing week one today . . . very motivating!
  • caitlinrn83
    caitlinrn83 Posts: 178 Member
    great job! I'm on w3d3 today, and i know how tough mentally it can be--kudos to you!!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Way to go! I'm starting the dreaded week 5 today.
  • hawksfan881972
    hawksfan881972 Posts: 16 Member
    Just starting Week 2. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • seomra
    seomra Posts: 69 Member
    Well done! Keep it up
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    Congratulations! That's so great!
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Good work!
  • jayfo1994
    jayfo1994 Posts: 17 Member
    Go on! Get it! Sign up for another race now so you keep up with the motivation :#
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    That run on the beach sounds neat. Glad you had a good time. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • MaGrl523
    MaGrl523 Posts: 101 Member
    Downloaded it a few weeks ago. Haven't brought myself the courage to try it yet.
  • mitsimr
    mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
    That is awesome. I downloaded the app like a week ago and have yet to start it. I keep having excuses like the weather is too bad when honestly there has been plenty of long breaks in the rain for me to get started. This post just may be the motivation I need to get started TODAY!!!!
  • mshelyla
    mshelyla Posts: 36 Member
    Way to go!! I would brag too! I'm signed up for a 5k at the end of June and can't wait to experience that feeling of accomplishment!
  • reyoflightphoto
    reyoflightphoto Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for writing this post. I am having a hard time pushing through week one of C25k. Every time I do it I feel like I am not gonna make it. I actually didn't do it at all this last week because the first week was so hard for me. Your post is slightly encouraging. I am going to do it, but man, right now, it just seems impossible!! I know it's not. It just seems like it. Ughhh.... Anyway, thanks. :smile:
  • caitlinrn83
    caitlinrn83 Posts: 178 Member
    MaGrl523 wrote: »
    Downloaded it a few weeks ago. Haven't brought myself the courage to try it yet.

    Just do it. You'll be glad you did! Find a 5k this summer and register so that you have a goal!