I need advice on something weird

Hey I need some advice and input.... My goal weight is 180 (for now, we'll see what happens when I get there). Well next summer we are planning an 8-day Disney World Resort vacay and I would like to be at my goal weight by then.

Here's where it gets complicated.

My husband and I have been trying to have baby#4 for about 19 months with no success. I m/c in September :( Part of my weight loss motivation is that we DO want more kids (I know, we're crazy) and I know my weight is hindering that effort.

SO here's the problem: I want to book this vacation soon b/c we have to start paying for it. Meanwhile, I'm working hard to lose this weight with that vacation in mind... BUT technically we're still trying for baby#4... but I don't want to be pregnant or hauling a newborn around Disney World... WWYD?? This is a tough one... :ohwell:


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,024 Member
    I would go ahead with my plans to keep trying for baby #4 and book the disney vacation, if I ended up pregnant or hauling a baby around disney world I would deal with it, that is just me. You cant put all your plans on hold because of what ifs, I hope it all works out for you.........
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    Stop trying until you're down to your goal weight? And then you'll be in great condition to carry a baby. :)
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Can you put the money aside for Disneyworld for 6-months to a year and see what happens? You're still paying for the vacation up front, but you haven't committed.
  • heyjude78
    heyjude78 Posts: 160
    It's really between you and your husband but since you're asking.....I think I'd hold off and focus on weight loss and enjoy a fun vacation! You sound like you totally deserve it and it's a great weight loss reward. You can always bring home #4 with you if you know what I mean ; ) Good luck!
  • losethechalupa
    losethechalupa Posts: 51 Member

    Book your vaca and get travelers Insurance in case circumstances prevent you from going. Or you could put your baby plans on hold until you reach your goal weight.

    I was ttc as well and have decided to put IUI on hold until I get my body right. I have never had a child but it seems to me that there is nothing worse than being pregnant and fat. Its one thing to be fat because your pregnant but to be fat and then get pregnant is not good for me or the baby. ( just my opinion).

    Good luck on what ever you decide.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Can you get insurance on the vacation, so that if you do find yourself pregnant you can get a refund on what you have paid? Good luck with everything, you can accomplish it all!
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    focus on your weigth loss. this will lad to an easier time at getting pregnant, as well as a healthier and easier pregnancy for you and future baby....about 6 months before the trip, you should star trying to get pregnant. then you can still fly, and wont have to carry** an infant around disney world.
    Meanwhile, set up a savings to put aside the money anyways.
    Thats what I would do.
    soemtimes within the next year my husband and I are planning on trying for #1 and we currently have a 13 month old. I had to lose 90 pounds total, and i have 47 to go.
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    I doubt it. =(
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Stop trying until you're down to your goal weight? And then you'll be in great condition to carry a baby. :)

    X 2
  • safariwoman66
    Talk to your doctor. You know that being pregnant puts a strain on your body, so you might want to hold off until you are closer to your goal weight. The best gift to your present and future children is a healthy mom. I hope everything goes well for you!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Well, I would look at it this way: what are your priorities? It sounds like you have 3 things going on here: weight loss, TTC, and vacation.

    Which is most important to you? Whatever that is, that goes first. I would suggest along with some others that losing weight will help TTC and pregnancy become easier for you, but that's just a suggestion. I would also suggest that a vacation with 3 kids is mountains easier than 4. You're only 26, so it's not like you are facing a deadline with having a kid. And really, you can go to Disney anytime, it's not going anywhere either! So, I think your plans can be much more fluid than you think.

    Only you know what your priorities are. Good luck!
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    This depends on the following question.

    Do you have to book the holiday in advance, or can you pick up a late deal ?

    I would set up an account and put the money for the holiday into it for the next X many months, I would pay in regularly to cover the holiday and spends for the whole family including Baby4. I would use this fund to buy a late deal.

    Mean while I would continue with plan Baby4.

    If baby4 happens, you can go on holiday if you choose. If baby4 does not happen, you can still go on holiday.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    You're still so young. Get the weight taken care of. Take your 3 kiddos to the park, enjoy yourselves, then start TTC #4. You have plenty of time :) No need to do everything at once.
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    Well my last pregnancy by the end I weighed more than I do right now and had a perfectly healthy pregnancy... that's beside the point though. I guess after 19 months of trying it gets to be discouraging and the thought of putting that off for another year kind of makes me crazy. And I think I'm afraid that my husband is a little concerned about age differences between the kids - our youngest is 3 right now so I dunno... it's all so complicated LOL!! I just want to strut my skinny *kitten* around a Disney Resort for a week...vacation sounds divine... LMAO!!
  • mzjandiace
    mzjandiace Posts: 162
    Just like you brought it to us, bring it to your husband the same way... Good Luck!
  • KimDis
    KimDis Posts: 24 Member
    This is an easy one :)

    Disney doesn't give discounts for booking air with your package & the discounts you get with travel sites (like Expedia) are not better than you'd get on your own. SO book your air separately.

    Wait on the airfare or if there's an amazing sale book with Southwest (or any airline in your area that doesn't charge a change fee).

    If you book a room only reservation:
    You can change or cancel your reservation until 7 days in advance without penalty.

    If you book a vacation package (park ticket & dining included):
    You can change or cancel your reservation without penalty up until 45 days in advance. If you cancel 44 days or less in advance, there is a cancellation fee of $200.

    I'd lock in the reservation for your room now - that way you won't have to worry about getting a room at the resort you'd like to stay in. You have plenty of time to adjust your plans if you need to.

    Hope this helps.
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    Don't worry about age difference..My daughter just turned 15 and my son is almost 7, and my step-daughter is 11. Having kids close together has it's drawbacks...car insurance and vehicles, then college...all of the expenses at the same time! ;) Plus, I'm able to fully enjoy each developmental stage as each kid goes through it because they are at different stages in life.

    I would reccommend focusing on weight / health, which will help you be a more active mom and maybe aid in conception. I had my last kid at 28..it wasn't very different that having one at 19. The baby will happen when time is right..and in the meantime..enjoy the 3 blessings you have!! :)

    PS-We stayed a Disney Resort over Easter week....all of the kids had a blast!!! ( I was a little worried my oldest turn into a some snotty-teen, but she didn't.) There was something for EVERY family member. I am happy that we waited until the kids were a little older. We were able to do more and stay out later. We'd go back to resort and swim or nap in afternoon then return to parks after dark when it was less crowded. I felt sorry for the parents with 2-3 kids under 5 or 6..they were so worn out (parents AND kids). If booking Disney now is up in the air, I would personally wait a few more years..then all FOUR kids will enjoy and REMEMBER everything!! Unless you plan on going back..then take the 3 now, have #4, then go back in a few years.

    Best of luck to you!! And, yes, you are VERY young. Enjoy life...take time to slow down and breathe. You have time to accomplish all your heart desires... :)
  • Missashley9
    I would focus on losing the weight & taking the vaca with your family. That way you are happier & healthier for the pregnancy. Plus, the 3 little ones you do have will get to have some fun time w/ mom & dad before baby #4 takes up all the time, attention, money, etc. I personally would hate to walk around Disney either pregnant or lugging around an infant. That'st not fun for anyone. Good luck!
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    TY everyone. We live IN Florida, only about 4 hours from DW so there is barely any travel expenses. I dunno what we're going to do yet but I'm on the fence about it BIG time. I totally do NOT want to be pregnant or have a newborn at Disney - then I can't ride any rides with my boys... that would be a drag...
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    TY everyone. We live IN Florida, only about 4 hours from DW so there is barely any travel expenses. I dunno what we're going to do yet but I'm on the fence about it BIG time. I totally do NOT want to be pregnant or have a newborn at Disney - then I can't ride any rides with my boys... that would be a drag...

    Based on this statement, if I were in your shoes... I would haul *kitten* on getting towards my goal, enjoy the trip with your current family, and then make baby #4 when your body is in a much stronger, healthier place and you've had the chance to give your boys a great time by accompanying them on all the fun rides.

    That said, I'm currently moving as quick as healthfully possible towards my goal to make new babies. I don't want to do another pregnancy fat.