Im new! Do you I look any different ? (pictures)

First of all excuse the dreadful pictures!

Today is my second week of doing Charlotte Crosby's 3 minute belly blitz workout DVD. The first picture was taken on the first day and the last one today. I'm starting to feel a little disheartened as I feel i'm not looking any different at all.

(The second photo looks a bit different because of the way it was taken I think)

Thanks in advance!hn6nfq6g73rq.png


  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    Are you taking measurements of yourself? That's a really good way to tell if you're getting results. Also measuring your body fat percentage.
  • Enriky
    Enriky Posts: 5 Member
    In any good diet to reduce fat or reduce weight combined with exercise program you will see the result after 6 week. I recommend take your measures every week. (weight, neck, forearm, wrist, belly, hips). use this link to see your progress.