Help me!! Rapid weight gain :(

shoushab02 Posts: 10 Member
edited May 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Last march i managed to reach my goal which was 50kgs ! My height is 156cm . Last month i started to eat like crazy ... There were days i ate chocolates ( mars, galaxy , kit kat , kinder bueno etc) i lost count there were a lot of bars. I gained 6kgs ! In a month ! I still cnt believe it bcuz there were only days when i ate like a monster .i consumed more than 3000 cAlories. But not everyday :( im under a lot of stress right now ... Is it possible to gain 6kgs within a month? I have a lot of Qs inside of me right now. Besides my pms circle is around the corner , idk what to believe in, water retention or i have to accept the truth :( its hard for me right now ... Cuz i feeel totally miserable... Everyone keeps saying that they dont notice any differences... They keep sayin i look thin ... But somehow my clothes are tighter :/ i can still wear my 50kgs clothes , last year i cudnt wear those clothes not until recently ... Help me... :(


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited May 2016
    Some of that weight gain is probably just water weight from PMS.

    When I'm stressed, I feel much better after exercise. Sometimes a short walk is enough to clear my head and change my state. I also have less stress since picking up a regular exercise program.

    Also, the better I eat (which for me is focusing on protein, fat, and fiber) the less interested I am in empty calorie foods. I do have a little high quality chocolate for after dinner. Kit Kat etc doesn't have enough real chocolate to satisfy me.

  • shoushab02
    shoushab02 Posts: 10 Member
    I hate my sedentary lifestyle... I used to run on the treadmill like twice everyday :( everything has changed now ! Only taking a brisk walk ( 3-4 times weekly ) ... Since i moved place ... Cant seem to acknowledge my new lifestyle ;( i cnt help myself feeling ugly and devastated </3
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    1) TOM does matter, there's probably some water retention there.
    2) Going from constantly being in a deficit to eating at or above maintenance will replenish and maintain your glycogen stores. Most people gain 3-5 pounds from glycogen when they stop eating at a deficit.
    3) Your clothes will tighten from water weight as well as fat gain, but yes, you've probably gained a bit of fat if you've been eating over maintenance calories.

    Take a deep breath. You've done this before. Start to practice those habits again. Big life changes like moving or a new job aren't always the easiest to deal with, but you can adapt. Make a game plan to eat right and exercise when you can. Reach out to your support system, and get a grip on this before you fall into habits you don't want to have. You can do this.
  • shoushab02
    shoushab02 Posts: 10 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks .... Im feeling down/overwhelmed
  • shoushab02
    shoushab02 Posts: 10 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks .... Im feeling down/overwhelmed
  • shoushab02
    shoushab02 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks .... Im feeling down/overwhelmed.. ive been down this road bfore... I used to be obese when i was 8-13 ...i had no control over my appetite ...Somehow i managed to get a hold of it and lost 34kgs over years ( from 80kgs to 46kgs) i was clearly happy over my triumph not until i started to gain it back after years and that time i realised my weight was around 68kgs ... I worked harder cutting carbs , meats from my list. Then i reached 50kgs which made me happy with my current height