Turbo Fire? Results?

Hey guys,
Has anyone seen great results with Turbo Fire? I saw an infomercial for it yesterday and though it looks like a great cardio workout.

Wanted to get some recommendations from MFP's :)



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Just picked it up for $60 from Craig's List. He has more if you are interested!
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    I would like to know the results for everyone too! I have looked at it numerous times on ebay but haven't taken the "plunge" yet! :)
  • crunchygirl
    I started week 2 today. I love it!! I lost an inch in each thigh and half an inch on each arm the first week. It's a great, fun workout!

    My husband is doing it with me too and he also really likes it.

    Definitely worth the money IMO. :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I :heart: it! It's a fabulous workout! Life has gotten in the way for me this last week, but I hope to get back into it tonight.

    I'll be starting week 6. I haven't seen many scale or measurement changes, but have seen changes in my body elsewhere. I have to say that I don't have much to lose so most of what I see is toning. I also don't eat as well as I should so I chalk most of it up to that.
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    I've been taking a class for a few years that is really similar to Turbo Fire. I don't know how great the DVDs are or aren't, but the class is amazing!
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    I am only on week 2, but I can tell you that is is a great workout! And the workout is different everyday, so you don't get bored. I am really excited to get up and do it everyday, which is a first for me! This is week 2 day 1 and I am excited to see the results at the end. I took before photos, so hopefully I can share some great results at the end!
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    just started it recently..and I have to say it's super hard! At least for me..but I really like it in general. definitely worth the money!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I have done it and LOVED it!!! Didn't lose alot of weight but did lose alot of inches!!The music is so much fun and after a few weeks you do get the hang of all the moves!If you found it for $60 that is AWESOME!!! I paid $200+ and I was a Beachbody Coach!Had so much fun!!!!
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    Love it! I just started week 13, which starts Advanced Cardio. With a healthy diet and Turbo Fire, I've lost 24 pounds in 12 weeks!
  • kappy_hollowell
    Ok, so I absolutely LOVE Turbofire! I haven't seen any results, BUT the reason is because I haven't been watching what I eat until recently. I have lsot 6.2 pounds in the last two weeks after starting a diet regimen along with TurboFire.

    But please take the advice below:

    YOU DEFINITELY NEED A FITNESS BASE BEFORE BEGINNING TURBOFIRE. This is not a mediocre workout that anyone can just jump straight into without any kind of previous exercise regimen. TurboJam is the perfect way to build up to TurboFire.

    TurboFire is a lot of jumping and hardcore exercises and cardio. If you don't already workout I would consider a different exercise program first before TurboFire.
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    If you like kickboxing...you'll definitely love Turbo Fire! Chalean is awesome and you'll love the music. I bought this about three weeks and before I started my fitness regime, I did my measurement. I already lost a total of 9 1/2 inches and total of 6 lbs.I highly recommend it. However, if you haven't done kickboxing or any previous exercise, youmight want to start with Turbo Jam (Beachbody product too) first. Turbo fire is the next level. Overall, this is an awesome workout and trust me- you will see results! Goodluck!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    im seeing the difference in two weeks of being in it. :)

    and i just starting :) ♥ soo we will see more :)
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    Ok, so I absolutely LOVE Turbofire! I haven't seen any results, BUT the reason is because I haven't been watching what I eat until recently. I have lsot 6.2 pounds in the last two weeks after starting a diet regimen along with TurboFire.

    But please take the advice below:

    YOU DEFINITELY NEED A FITNESS BASE BEFORE BEGINNING TURBOFIRE. This is not a mediocre workout that anyone can just jump straight into without any kind of previous exercise regimen. TurboJam is the perfect way to build up to TurboFire.

    TurboFire is a lot of jumping and hardcore exercises and cardio. If you don't already workout I would consider a different exercise program first before TurboFire.

    not really. if you have a well inform body and you want to make it more intense. you can go right ahead.
    i have done turbojam first and i loved it. but if you havent worked out in like 3 months and started back to workout. you already know a bit of how turbofire works :) only turbofire is more intense. :)
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    I absolutely love Turbo Fire and Chalene Johnson is a great trainer and her motivation is awesome throughout the DVDs. I have lost 80lbs doing Turbo Fire and the best part is I am not bored of it yet, Mind you 36lbs was thanks to MFP's as well! ;) My first week I did the Inferno plan that comes with it and lost 12lbs. I think I paid about $150 from Beachbody with shipping and taxes.

    Also yes, Turbo Fire is more intense but there is a way to modify every move, there is also a new to class option that allows you to go through the moves before youactually do the set and of course if you don't want to jump then don't. Listening to your body is the key with any workout.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I love it, best $67 I spent (Ebay). I'm 2 weeks in and lost 4 lbs, I still miss some of the moves but I give it all I can and enjoy it. I did Turbo Kick at 24 Hr fitness so I did know what to expect.
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    Love it! I just started week 13, which starts Advanced Cardio. With a healthy diet and Turbo Fire, I've lost 24 pounds in 12 weeks!

    That is awesome! Good job!
  • turbofiregirl
    I am currently starting on week 4 and lost 9 pounds so far. This is the only workout so far that has made some changes to the scale measurements. Needless to say, i have lost noticeable inches too. I have more than 45 pounds to lose and so, I will do TF twice. I highly recommend it.
  • turbofiregirl
    I absolutely love Turbo Fire and Chalene Johnson is a great trainer and her motivation is awesome throughout the DVDs. I have lost 80lbs doing Turbo Fire and the best part is I am not bored of it yet, Mind you 36lbs was thanks to MFP's as well! ;) My first week I did the Inferno plan that comes with it and lost 12lbs. I think I paid about $150 from Beachbody with shipping and taxes.

    Also yes, Turbo Fire is more intense but there is a way to modify every move, there is also a new to class option that allows you to go through the moves before youactually do the set and of course if you don't want to jump then don't. Listening to your body is the key with any workout.

    Wow, I did the inferno too, but I did not lose even as much close to what you did. But, nevertheless, its a fantastic workout. 80 pound loss is absolutely phenomenal.
  • turbofiregirl
    Ok, so I absolutely LOVE Turbofire! I haven't seen any results, BUT the reason is because I haven't been watching what I eat until recently. I have lsot 6.2 pounds in the last two weeks after starting a diet regimen along with TurboFire.

    But please take the advice below:

    YOU DEFINITELY NEED A FITNESS BASE BEFORE BEGINNING TURBOFIRE. This is not a mediocre workout that anyone can just jump straight into without any kind of previous exercise regimen. TurboJam is the perfect way to build up to TurboFire.

    TurboFire is a lot of jumping and hardcore exercises and cardio. If you don't already workout I would consider a different exercise program first before TurboFire.

    I absoultely second it. I graduated to TF from Turbo Jam. Also, TJ has the elite 11 moves that are taught in a proper class which form the base for all her moves in TF.