Just increased my calories :(

I am attempting to gain a few pounds of muscle, or just get more toned in general....I know that I need to eat more now to maintain and gain muscle, but I'm very afraid of gaining the weight I've lost, back. Any thoughts?? I went from 1200 calories a day to 1400, starting today!


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You will not gain all your weight back just by increasing by 200 calories, it's quite possible you'll lose some. Try to eat what you did before and make those 200 calories more protein.
  • Kaelinnn_102
    Kaelinnn_102 Posts: 50 Member
    You will not gain all your weight back just by increasing by 200 calories, it's quite possible you'll lose some. Try to eat what you did before and make those 200 calories more protein.

    I'm completely aware that my fears are irrational, lol. I guess I just needed someone else to reassure me! Thank you, and that's actually what I was looking for!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You will not gain all your weight back just by increasing by 200 calories, it's quite possible you'll lose some. Try to eat what you did before and make those 200 calories more protein.

    I'm completely aware that my fears are irrational, lol. I guess I just needed someone else to reassure me! Thank you, and that's actually what I was looking for!

    glad to be of service.
  • Well a) how much are you increasing activity/weight work? I just had to increase from 1200 to 1800 based on the fitness program I'm starting. Make sure that you are getting the correct amount of protein as well to build the muscle. You should be just fine, I'd actually be worried about you needing more to actually gain the muscle.
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    Make sure you are making those "extra" calories good calories, not with cokes, candy, etc.

    Doing this you don't have to worry as long as you are exercising regularly.
  • Kaelinnn_102
    Kaelinnn_102 Posts: 50 Member
    Well I'm about to start week two (again) of p90x, and I honestly do it about 3-4 days a week. On days that I don't work out, should I eat less? I tried adjusting everything, but the only thing that increased were my calories.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I went from 1200 to 1400 and now am at 1700! I plateaued, ate more, and now I am losing again. Don't be scared, it is actually awesome. Meals aren't as restricted now I have extra calories in my day!
  • Kaelinnn_102
    Kaelinnn_102 Posts: 50 Member
    I went from 1200 to 1400 and now am at 1700! I plateaued, ate more, and now I am losing again. Don't be scared, it is actually awesome. Meals aren't as restricted now I have extra calories in my day!

    That's EXACTLY what I'm hoping will happen! (:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I am attempting to gain a few pounds of muscle, or just get more toned in general....I know that I need to eat more now to maintain and gain muscle, but I'm very afraid of gaining the weight I've lost, back. Any thoughts?? I went from 1200 calories a day to 1400, starting today!

    You don't nee to eat more to gain and maintain muscle. Just saw the 3-4 days of P90X. you could add 1200-2400 calories per week for doing it that often.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Think of it this way. If your maintenance cals were 1700 and you had MFP set to lose 1lb per week, it would give you a 1200 goal. If you increase your cals to 1400/day you are actually still 300cal/day deficit. So that means if you were to eat all your exercise cals on a 1400 base target you are still in deficit so it's going to be hard to put on some good weight.

    I would up the protein to 1g/lb also. Focus carbs around workout time also.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Good advice.. Up the protien and get a good pre bed snack like cottage cheese before bed.
    Every now and then up your calories - eat clean good food and try to strategically make insuline your friend..

    Food is anabolic!
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    This is exciting and you needn't worry!! Well done for losing the 32lbs. It is probably normal to feel a little anxious but there is no need.
    Firstly regarding maintenance issues, if you search for the maintenance thread and read it through it will reassure you that upping your cals gradually till you level out will work. Take it slow and steady. There are some great people on there who will support you through this too.

    Next, you've already been given good advice regarding upping protein and eating clean. Both are a must. I would add that this isn't a scale/weight issue but a measurement issue from here on in. Take your measurements and some photos of yourself in your underwear. I have gained about 3 kilos in a year and a half since I started doing weights but have lost many inches and gone down almost 2 dress sizes. I can also wear different clothes with absolute confidence of no squigy bits hanging over more or less.

    My weight has stayed the same after the gaining of the first 6 months or so, but I lift weights of about double what I could when I started and have made lots and lots of fitness gains.

    Its important to get your head round this....it isnt about weight now its about size and shape.

    ENJOY your extra cals and use them wisely :-)
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Make sure the new extra calories are healthy items - cheese is a good item to add on. Maybe even whole fat if you're trying to add weight/muscel. Add it to some sort of wheat crackers or melt on corn chips and what a great treat!