I need help in calculating my calories intake

I'm 6ft and I weigh 217. I started dieting not too long ago but it has been hard. I keep craving for sugar. I've been working out for a while but I realized that without a proper diet, iit's all useless /i]

Sọ now I need to know how many calories u need to loose weight

Also, I'm trying to debunk my arms, it's too muscular. I would appreciate a tip on that as well.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    • Plug your stats into MFP
    • Pick a reasonable weight loss goal (recommendations listed below)
    • Pick the activity level the represents your daily life WITHOUT exercise
    • Eat the calorie goal MFP gives you on days you don't workout
    • Eat the calorie goal MFP gives you + exercise calorie burns on days you workout (start with 50% of exercise calories and adjust up or down based on weight loss)
      ~I highly recommend using a food scale to weigh out your portions. Even packaged single serve stuff can have more in the package than a single serving. This can amount to hundreds of un-logged calories in the course of a day. Use measuring cups/spoons for liquids.~
    Weight loss rate recommendations to minimize lean body mass loss:
    • No more than 1% of your body weight loss per week
    • 0.5 lb per week if you have less than 25 lbs to lose
    • 1 lb per week if you have 25-50 lbs to lose
    • 1.5 lb per week if you have 50-75 lbs to lose
    • 2 lb per week if you have 75+ lbs to lose
  • charity_3
    charity_3 Posts: 13 Member
    myfitness pal sets your calorie goal for u based on your goals and how much excersise that u get on a normal basis. I think the lowest it goes is 1200 calories
  • charity_3
    charity_3 Posts: 13 Member
    I went to the cdc site and used the BMI calculator. It says u would be at a healthy weight somewhere between 136 -184
  • I_amnr
    I_amnr Posts: 129 Member
    Try zero calorie soda and apples to kill the sugar cravings

    Have at least one a day

    Also maybe protien bars ..oh yeah bars are pretty good.. first time I tried them I had to double check to see if it was really a protien bar.. not exactly like a chocolate bar but alot better than the bars I have had and big enough for a meal at 380 calories ..

    I have always had will power issues ... I like my sugar but you just have to train your self to resist the dark side ..I've gotten into staring matches with cupcakes in the pastry isle before .. I eventually tell myself I don't need to buy it and walk away ..lol