12 Tips to Drink 8 Cups a Day

Eight glasses of water every day? No matter how you pour them, that’s a lot of liquid. We're talking cups and cups…and cups. Even knowing about the many benefits of meeting your daily quota—increased fat burning, healthier skin, more energy, better digestion, fewer cravings—doesn't make drinking it (or dealing with increased bathroom visits) any less of a struggle for many of us.

If you feel like you're barely treading water when it comes to drinking your water, don’t despair. There are lots of little secrets—time-honored tricks that those elusive "water drinkers" use—that even you can try to transform yourself into an H2O-guzzling machine.

For best results, try the two that Spark your interest immediately, then add one each week until you’re getting all the water you need. And remember, there is no magic number. The recommended eight cups a day is not a one-size fits all. You’ll need more if you’re sweating through workouts; less if you eat a lot of water-rich fruits and vegetables.

1. Try comfort water
This is a great tactic for coffee and tea drinkers. While you’re waiting for the coffee to brew, nuke a glass of water (or herbal tea), squeeze in a bit of lemon and sip while you wait. Try another cup of warm water after you’ve had a mug or two of coffee. Hot water is also a great treat on a cold afternoon or evening. Invest in a new kind of herbal tea every time you grocery shop until you’ve found a couple that are just right.

Read more here: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=1014



  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Eight glasses of water every day? No matter how you pour them, that’s a lot of liquid. We're talking cups and cups…and cups. Even knowing about the many benefits of meeting your daily quota—increased fat burning, healthier skin, more energy, better digestion, fewer cravings—doesn't make drinking it (or dealing with increased bathroom visits) any less of a struggle for many of us.

    If you feel like you're barely treading water when it comes to drinking your water, don’t despair. There are lots of little secrets—time-honored tricks that those elusive "water drinkers" use—that even you can try to transform yourself into an H2O-guzzling machine.

    For best results, try the two that Spark your interest immediately, then add one each week until you’re getting all the water you need. And remember, there is no magic number. The recommended eight cups a day is not a one-size fits all. You’ll need more if you’re sweating through workouts; less if you eat a lot of water-rich fruits and vegetables.

    1. Try comfort water
    This is a great tactic for coffee and tea drinkers. While you’re waiting for the coffee to brew, nuke a glass of water (or herbal tea), squeeze in a bit of lemon and sip while you wait. Try another cup of warm water after you’ve had a mug or two of coffee. Hot water is also a great treat on a cold afternoon or evening. Invest in a new kind of herbal tea every time you grocery shop until you’ve found a couple that are just right.

    Read more here: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=1014

  • DaniUSA
    I heard a hint:

    Put a bottle of water on your desk and set an alarm at your clock, watch, pc, cell, every hour,

    then drink a glass of water. Its important, that you dont have to get it first..
  • DaniUSA
    I just had another idea...

    If youre in an office with other people or maybe even by yourself, try to create a drinking game. But of course use water that alcohol :)

    For example.

    You hear a phone ring -- drink a cup, half a cup ... (depends on how often you hear it ringing)
    If someone walks along your office..

    That are only two ideas..

    maybe you have some more?

    Lets share them
  • sharii24
    lol well it is soooo funny that you said making a game of it because that is what i did in a way. but i'm a stay at home mom so there is no office just the house. for me every time i open the fridge that is 1/2 cup of water every time i change the wash over thhat is a shot for every time i hear a cartoon sing that is a shot and so on. i know i sound a bit crazy but it is working for me and i dont even have to leave my house to get drunk on water :drinker:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I have a 30 oz water bottle that I carry with me around the house.
    I'm always taking sips here and there but alot of the time I'm about 3 glasses short of making my water drinking goal. I get kind of nauseous when I drink lots of water so I try my best.

  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I love coffee so I limit myself to only one cup a day. I don't like other liquds--no soda, no tea, no juice, no apple cider, no hot chocolate.... YUCK..... so you'd think it's easy to drink water. It's not. I chose a 16 ounce glass I really like and I drink one entire glass full before each meal and I drink one entire glass before working out and one after. Even when I have a busy day, I'm going to eat, so I carry a 16 ounce water bottle with me and drink before I eat. I like my water room temperature, with no flavoring. Am I sick or what??? :laugh: