Relationship with food

I would classify myself as a pretty healthy, strong person. I workout 6 days a week at least and of those days 4 of them I do 2 workout sessions. I lift in the morning and do cardio in the evening or vice versa. My problem however is with food. Ever since I was a young girl I have been able to eat quite a large amount of food in one sitting. I am not overweight and I have a healthly bmi but I'm still striving to get leaner with the muscle I am building. I am still having troubles with over eating. It is mainly in the evening when it happens. I eat great all day long. I take in the proper marcros. But then night time hits and I'm craving or feeling actual hunger. I end up binging on oats sometimes or another carb source even though I am getting plenty throughout the day. At this point I'm not sure if it's mind over matter or what. I tell myself at night it's ok and regret it so bad in the morning. What's going on? I need some help on how I can control this. Thanks!


  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Have you thought about only eating fruits or very low calorie foods in the evening when that urge hits? Also, drinking water may take away your desire to eat. Other things you could try are brushing your teeth and chewing gum or eating a couple of pieces of hard candy. Good luck!
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Are you gaining weight or not? If you aren't gaining weight with the snacks or bigger meals, maybe you just need more calories in the day.
  • Katiefitmarie
    Katiefitmarie Posts: 28 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    Are you gaining weight or not? If you aren't gaining weight with the snacks or bigger meals, maybe you just need more calories in the day.

    I am not currently gaining weight but I'm not losing either. I believe I'm balancing that out with the muscle gain. I've thought about possibly needing the extra calories but I also think it's all in my head. I just need to stop eating so much in such a small amount of time. It just makes my body feel terrible in the morning.
  • Katiefitmarie
    Katiefitmarie Posts: 28 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    Have you thought about only eating fruits or very low calorie foods in the evening when that urge hits? Also, drinking water may take away your desire to eat. Other things you could try are brushing your teeth and chewing gum or eating a couple of pieces of hard candy. Good luck!

    I have tried other snacks I I'm not satisfied so I eat more. I drink a gallon of a water a day already which I figure should help but isn't. I need to get some gum though. That may help. Thank you!
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    Are you gaining weight or not? If you aren't gaining weight with the snacks or bigger meals, maybe you just need more calories in the day.

    I am not currently gaining weight but I'm not losing either. I believe I'm balancing that out with the muscle gain. I've thought about possibly needing the extra calories but I also think it's all in my head. I just need to stop eating so much in such a small amount of time. It just makes my body feel terrible in the morning.

    Popcorn FTW! If you do want a snack at night with bulk and not a lot of calories, popcorn works. But again, if you are maintaining WITH the snacks, you probably do need that many calories.


    If you are making fitness gains, have athletic goals you are moving toward, if that side is going well, and you are a healthy weight already, maybe this is the good weight for you. Maybe you are used to defining "progress" as weight loss but that isn't true once you are at a good weight, progress is getting stronger, better aerobic fitness, stuff like that.

  • Heavybetty
    Heavybetty Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in the same boat frustrating to put that much effort into working out for nothing. Unlike you though I am obese and not at a healthy weight. I recently quit my 6 month gym class because I figured why pay $60 a month when my major focus needs to be on nutrtion. I lost maybe 3 pounds. I need to get my eating under control and that is my new main focus.....I am by no means an expert since I just started addressing this issue but it has really been mind over matter for me.....I literally battle myself in my mind says have some ice cream right after you had a filling meal.....I just ignore it and do something like laundry, walk, play with the dog, etc. So far it's working but it's a constant mind is always on food.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    Are you gaining weight or not? If you aren't gaining weight with the snacks or bigger meals, maybe you just need more calories in the day.

    I am not currently gaining weight but I'm not losing either. I believe I'm balancing that out with the muscle gain. I've thought about possibly needing the extra calories but I also think it's all in my head. I just need to stop eating so much in such a small amount of time. It just makes my body feel terrible in the morning.

    But you are obviously eating an appropriate amount in total, including the "overeating". This means you are NOT eating enough during the day. Most people can eat lots of food, more than we need from day to day, there's nothing wrong with you. That terrible feeling in the morning is probably in your head, not your body. Either eat more earlier in the day, or plan to eat a meal (a nice, real, tasty meal, not just oatmeal) in the evening.
  • Katiefitmarie
    Katiefitmarie Posts: 28 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    robininfl wrote: »
    Are you gaining weight or not? If you aren't gaining weight with the snacks or bigger meals, maybe you just need more calories in the day.

    I am not currently gaining weight but I'm not losing either. I believe I'm balancing that out with the muscle gain. I've thought about possibly needing the extra calories but I also think it's all in my head. I just need to stop eating so much in such a small amount of time. It just makes my body feel terrible in the morning.

    Popcorn FTW! If you do want a snack at night with bulk and not a lot of calories, popcorn works. But again, if you are maintaining WITH the snacks, you probably do need that many calories.


    If you are making fitness gains, have athletic goals you are moving toward, if that side is going well, and you are a healthy weight already, maybe this is the good weight for you. Maybe you are used to defining "progress" as weight loss but that isn't true once you are at a good weight, progress is getting stronger, better aerobic fitness, stuff like that.

    Thank you! That's very true! I will definitely look into popcorn. That may do the trick!
  • Katiefitmarie
    Katiefitmarie Posts: 28 Member
    Heavybetty wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat frustrating to put that much effort into working out for nothing. Unlike you though I am obese and not at a healthy weight. I recently quit my 6 month gym class because I figured why pay $60 a month when my major focus needs to be on nutrtion. I lost maybe 3 pounds. I need to get my eating under control and that is my new main focus.....I am by no means an expert since I just started addressing this issue but it has really been mind over matter for me.....I literally battle myself in my mind says have some ice cream right after you had a filling meal.....I just ignore it and do something like laundry, walk, play with the dog, etc. So far it's working but it's a constant mind is always on food.

    I completely understand. It is hard to get the right mindset. I started off just changing a couple things at a time. I'm to the point where I eat healthy now but I still indulge every now and again because moderation is so important. It's better to not deprive yourself because that's when everything starts to fall apart. Staying busy is great to keep your mind off food. I've been laid off for a few months now and I think half my problem right now is boredom. I am going to try popcorn tho for snacking. It's yummy and low in calories!