Anyone want to start the 30 shred tomorrow?



    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    I'm waiting on mine to come in, ordered it from Amazon last week and it should be shipped today...hopefully it will be here by wednesday or I found it on amazon for 6.99 if anyone needs it.... SOoo excited to get it in!! :)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    just did day 1 of the shread!!!!! :)

    how did it go? i'm about to eat my dinner then will be paying jillian a visit for my day 1 about an hour or so later!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Can I join this crowd? I did the 30 day Shred for about 24 days in a row and it was fabulous, and I kicked myself for letting it get away from me!

    I started the 17 Day Diet last Thursday, so this is Cycle 1, Day 5 for me. Supposed to do 17 minutes of exercise each day as well, so the Shred fits perfectly into this plan!

    I'll start today after I get home from work, I go to work too early to 'Shred' in the mornings anyway!

    Woot woot!


  • eulila
    eulila Posts: 27 Member
    I have a copy of Shred that I picked up at a yardsale, but haven't done it yet. I am tentatively in- pending actual use. I hope I can do it.

  • llewis84
    llewis84 Posts: 7 Member
    I'll start with you guys tonight when I get home! I only get to about day 3 and stop. I will push myself to finish 30 days this time. Good luck guys :smile:
  • ShannonBurdick
    I found it at Kmart for $7. I need to get going on it so Im in. :)
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Did it this morning, all you making excuses, do it!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    i did the 30ds two years ago and it worked a treat, i was soooo toned and so happy,. but then let myself slip again :(
    so im doing it again!

    im doing 30 days on 10 days l1, 10 l2 and 10 l3, then repeating it again with a heavier weight :)
    im currently on like day 5 or 6 i think, but i miss days so it will be good to have support from others. :)
  • ShannonBurdick
    Just did Level 1 Day 1. I think if its possible I feel even more out of shape than before I did it. LOL
  • slheflinVA
    slheflinVA Posts: 47 Member
    I have been doing it for two days now. With the warm up and cool down it comes to about 27 minutes total for level 1. Around here level one is free on Comcast On Demand Exercise TV...I 'll have to buy the video when I get to level two. I have worn my heart rate monitor the last two days and I burn around 220 calories doing level one from warm up through cool down. Of course, that number is different for everyone depending upon weight, sex, activity level, heart rate, etc...but that's what I've been burning doing it...if that helps.

    I have Comcast too, so I'll have to look. Thanks for the info. I'm game, but probably won't be able to start until next week.
  • slheflinVA
    slheflinVA Posts: 47 Member
    I would love to do it! But I'm not sure where to get the video.. Once I figure that out, I think I'm going to give it a try(:

    I've seen it at Wal-Mart.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I am starting it again today as well so I am in as well.
  • jackrokal
    jackrokal Posts: 18
    It went okay! The first round of level one is the hardest for me because of the of the pushups but afterward I felt great!
  • BrookeMax
    BrookeMax Posts: 46
    I just finished my level one workout for today...I made it through! For me the first circuit is the hardest.... I had to do the push ups on my knees. I am really glad that everyone is doing this with me, it really pushes me because I know you are all doing it too! 1 day down...29 to go! :)
  • SkinnyDevi
    SkinnyDevi Posts: 92 Member
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    just finished day 1 of level 1 a short while ago too. glad to hear a few others found level 1 the hardest!

    i'm male so of course had to (try to!) do proper push ups but before the end of level 1 i was wondering what i'd let myself in for. lol. more out of shape than i thought!

    it was tough enough but i guess it was over fairly quickly. been running and cycling a bit for months as just trying to lose weight but this was intense! and we only have 2.5lb weights in the house!

    not used to some of these excercises - reckon my 'form' was way off on some of them. especially those bicycle crunch thingies but it can only get easier i guess.

    briefly had 2nd thoughts about this already but will ignore the negative thoughts and dig deep.

    1 down - 29 to go.
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    I got put off first time round because I workout with my daughter and she is a fan of cardio with core but doesn't like JM workouts. This time I will be tough and go it alone but do others with her too if I feel brave enough lol. Well done everyone who has completed DAY 1! We know what to expect and tomorrow should feel a little easier. I did half of the push ups propper but I had to go onto my knees. Hopefully in a few days we will be doing them with 10 tonne weights strapped to our backs haha
  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    I did mine this morning before work. It was actually the third day in a row I did it, but I'll count it as day one. I also like the first circuit the least...the second two not so bad. And...I now have rug burns on my knees....from doing my girly pushups!
  • rrmarx
    rrmarx Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! I started today and was looking for some motivation :)
  • hollagolla
    hollagolla Posts: 44
    the push ups are a pain quite literally but at least its not for too long.
    I've found the first workout a challenge without being so hard that its put me off, I'm actually going to miss it today and will get right back into it tomorrow.
    Hope everyone enjoying nice ache that comes with this DVD, makes me feel like I'm making a difference to myself :-)