Here to offer support and advice.

I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fitness and diet, just putting it out here that I'm willing to help anyone who needs it.


  • MrsGMT
    MrsGMT Posts: 4 Member
    Hi started on this app again. I don't seem to have the motivation. But need to lose 100lbs as I have high blood pressure. I have grandchildren I need to be around for if you could offer some motivation that would be great thanks
  • Wepz
    Wepz Posts: 39 Member
    Why are you so keen to offer your time to people for their support and advice?
  • rlytle70
    rlytle70 Posts: 23 Member
    Why not?
  • Wepz
    Wepz Posts: 39 Member
    I'm just curious that's all. It isn't so common for people to put themselves out there. What is your motivation?
  • rlytle70
    rlytle70 Posts: 23 Member
    mrsgmt48....small changes and consistency go a long way. Even if it's something like parking further away from the store, or eating a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a hamburger. Simple things like that can make a big difference in the long run. You have to be patient, it won't happen overnight.
  • rlytle70
    rlytle70 Posts: 23 Member
    Wepz....that's cool.
    My motivation is the way I feel not so much the way I look. I struggle with diet and going to the gym sometimes just like anyone else but I feel like a million bucks when I walk out of the gym or have managed to cut down on my diet and get to see my abs
  • MrsGMT
    MrsGMT Posts: 4 Member
    rlytle70 wrote: »
    mrsgmt48....small changes and consistency go a long way. Even if it's something like parking further away from the store, or eating a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a hamburger. Simple things like that can make a big difference in the long run. You have to be patient, it won't happen overnight.

    Thank you I'll eat more veg and salad less bread and potato products, that's my start. Next tackling exercise on my own. Thanks for your help.
  • that70sbaby
    that70sbaby Posts: 5 Member
    rlytle70 wrote: »
    I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fitness and diet, just putting it out here that I'm willing to help anyone who needs it.

  • rlytle70
    rlytle70 Posts: 23 Member
    You're very welcome.
  • lizzelspark
    lizzelspark Posts: 178 Member
    I'm stuck right now I'm eating less then I burn and scale isn't going down is it possible that I'm at the weight that my body should be at and that's why it stopped I feel like I'm losing inches but not happy with what the scale says I'm 5'2 150 lbs a few months ago was 24% body fat might have dropped since then want to get to 120 lbs and 19 % body fat or is that unrealistic?
  • rlytle70
    rlytle70 Posts: 23 Member
    Are you working out/lifting weights?
    19% is not unrealistic but to get there your body is going to level off from time to time.
    Try not to focus on the weight but on the body fat percentage and how you look.
  • kearly206
    kearly206 Posts: 63 Member
    rlytle70 wrote: »
    I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fitness and diet, just putting it out here that I'm willing to help anyone who needs it.

    Hey man thanks! Happy you want to put your advice out to others. Could you take a look at my entries see if they look right? Maybe any tweaks I could make to the foods I'm eating?

  • lizzelspark
    lizzelspark Posts: 178 Member
    rlytle70 wrote: »
    Are you working out/lifting weights?
    19% is not unrealistic but to get there your body is going to level off from time to time.
    Try not to focus on the weight but on the body fat percentage and how you look.

    I lift weights 6 days a week split body just started putting in more cardio to see if it will help the scale go down
  • marty_smith
    marty_smith Posts: 102 Member
    mrsgmt48 wrote: »
    rlytle70 wrote: »
    mrsgmt48....small changes and consistency go a long way. Even if it's something like parking further away from the store, or eating a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a hamburger. Simple things like that can make a big difference in the long run. You have to be patient, it won't happen overnight.

    Thank you I'll eat more veg and salad less bread and potato products, that's my start. Next tackling exercise on my own. Thanks for your help.
    What worked for me personally is not exercising to begin with. In the past dieting and exercising have gone hand in hand. Fail my food and i stop exercising or giving up on exercise would mean giving up the diet aswell.

    Work out how many calories your body needs to maintain the weight you are, then take 500 calories off that number (one pound fat loss on average a week). Its manageable and it doesnt require exercise. It does however require patience and commitment because it DOES work, it just will take time and not every day/week will be perfect. Birthdays, meals out, special occasions and weekends will always get in the way. Don't avoid them, just try go easy on your bad days. Weigh your meals (cereal and measure the milk you have) and log it in the food diary here so you can see how many calories per
    Day you are having. This works, it just needs commitment and patience.
  • lizzelspark
    lizzelspark Posts: 178 Member
    I know this is probably a dumb question but my Fitbit says I burn around 2,000 cal so would I eat 1,500 cal to lose a lb a week ?
  • Eddie__Jones
    Eddie__Jones Posts: 197 Member
    rlytle70 wrote: »
    I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fitness and diet, just putting it out here that I'm willing to help anyone who needs it.

    thanks in advance @rytle70 for taking the time to offer advice.

    on first cycle of 5/3/1 bbb 3 day split. did sl 5x5 from Nov 2015 until April 2016 no other strength training experience. I walk and cycle a total of 15 miles per week. I competed in a powerlifting meet last month. Training for that meet made it easier to stick to making it to the gym.

    Male, 43. Started at 345lbs. Ate at a deficit to 285lbs w/ no exercise. Now 240lbs. 25% body fat. Currently eating 2000-2300 calories per day 200g of protein, 170g of carbs, 70g of fat. For supplements I take fish oil, creatine, and a multi vitamin each day. I drink no less than 150 ounces of water each day.

    Goals: single digit body fat. 1 rm 6 plate dl, 4 plate sq, 3 plate bench. current 1 rm 485-315-248

    How do I reach those goals?
    How much should I be eating per day? How should the macros be set? What is the best strength training program for a beginner/novice?

  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I'm a beginner to even body weight exercise. My goal is to preserve as much muscle as possible and drop fat like it's going out of style. Currently I am just going to be doing very basics, like squats and planks, push ups etc.

    My question is: does it make a difference if I do 1-2 sets, 3 times a day, or do all 5-6 sets all at once? I know I'd get a cardio workout if I did them in a circuit. Just just for muscle preservation is that okay?
    For example today I fit in:
    12pm- 2 rounds of 10squats, 10 wall push ups
    2pm- 2 30 second planks, with 10squats in between
    4pm- 2 more rounds of 10 squats, 10 wall push ups, and 2 30 second planks.

    Is something like this okay or do I need:
    7 am- 5 sets of 10 squats, 5 sets of 10 wall push ups, 3 30 second planks (would do them squats, pushups, planks, back to squats)

    What's your advice?
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    edited May 2016
    what weights would you recommend to strengthen up upper, middle, lower back? Core strengthening? I avoid trying cuz I don't know much about lifting. Yesterday I did a bit, lat pulls 3 sets of 15 at 40# , and some bicep, tricep, row, etc. but no free weights cuz the guys at the gym are always on them and leave them sweaty and gross. (I tend to hit the gym after 9pm due to work). I think I need more then just cardio to burn more calories. I can hold a plank for about 20 seconds before I start cursing...
  • MrsGMT
    MrsGMT Posts: 4 Member
    mrsgmt48 wrote: »
    rlytle70 wrote: »
    mrsgmt48....small changes and consistency go a long way. Even if it's something like parking further away from the store, or eating a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a hamburger. Simple things like that can make a big difference in the long run. You have to be patient, it won't happen overnight.

    Thank you I'll eat more veg and salad less bread and potato products, that's my start. Next tackling exercise on my own. Thanks for your help.
    What worked for me personally is not exercising to begin with. In the past dieting and exercising have gone hand in hand. Fail my food and i stop exercising or giving up on exercise would mean giving up the diet aswell.

    Work out how many calories your body needs to maintain the weight you are, then take 500 calories off that number (one pound fat loss on average a week). Its manageable and it doesnt require exercise. It does however require patience and commitment because it DOES work, it just will take time and not every day/week will be perfect. Birthdays, meals out, special occasions and weekends will always get in the way. Don't avoid them, just try go easy on your bad days. Weigh your meals (cereal and measure the milk you have) and log it in the food diary here so you can see how many calories per
    Day you are having. This works, it just needs commitment and patience.

    Thank you for your help I'm using the food diary and sticking to my calorie allowance. I'm only on day 3 once I hit day 30 I think I'll have cracked it. Thanks agosin for your help.