NEW HERE Changing for the better! Support wanted!

plo726 Posts: 4 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Adam and I recently moved to sunny California. I have been up and down on the scale since I was around 15 (26 now). I've done weight loss camps, Jenny Craig, diet pills, and much more. Some have worked and I've lost over 100 pounds twice in my life already but always put it back on. Recently I went in to get a consolation for the gastric sleeve. I agreed to do the 3 month evaluation for insurance but deep down I know I don't want to really do that. I decided the day after the appointment (April 13th) to try my hardest to get the weight off on my own. I have my next appointment May 17th and after two weeks buying healthy food, I'm down 23 pounds as of this morning and I'm excited!!! I've had some slip ups and my diet has not been perfect. I have yet to incorporate any type of fitness plan and I know that's the next step. I'm very glad I found this app and community!!!


  • chickiemaui
    chickiemaui Posts: 23 Member
    It's great that you have already had success :) I am brand new at trying to lose weight in this mindset and it has been a huge struggle for me.