i'm still hungry

raidersgirl Posts: 17
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I see so many people say that they can hardly eat all of their 1200 cal, but i have trouble staying within my 1200 cal. If i don't eat atleast 100 cal over i'm still hungry at the end of the night. HELP!! any suggestions??


  • I see so many people say that they can hardly eat all of their 1200 cal, but i have trouble staying within my 1200 cal. If i don't eat atleast 100 cal over i'm still hungry at the end of the night. HELP!! any suggestions??
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    What's your usual daily food intake? You might be eating alot of high calorie foods instead of lower calorie foods to you can eat more through out the day. 100 calorie over is not bad though.
  • Try to drink a cup of water before you eat.
    Eat slowly.
    chew every bit about 30times (didnt know the exact amount but its important to chew many many times)
    You have to learn it.

    eat 5 "meals" a day. So for example

    so in addition to you breakfast, lunch, dinner 2 (healthy) snacks

    Try to make a veggie day a week.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I'm not sure I could stay in my 1200 calorie limit if I didn't have my extra calories from working out. If it's hard for you to stay in 1200 add on a little work out each day. Even taking a walk would burn those 100 calories extra.
  • Change the way you combine your food. My sister is VERY fit and has me on a good "diet" I basically eat what I want just differently. I eat 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat. eat your fruits in the morning and veggies later on. Whole grains. Protein!!! with every meal. Protein powder is a good supliment you can even put it in pancakes and not even notice.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I've only been here a couple of weeks but I've learned a few things. The first week I recorded everything I ate, without leaving anything off, which was way too much. Then I looked for ways to get the most out of my meals. The first week I used regular milk; using 1% or skim gives me the same meal with fewer calories so I can use those somewhere else. I would use 2 T of peanut butter with 2 stalks of celery as a snack. Now I have the two celery sticks but use only 1 T of peanut butter, the same meal with significantly less calories and fat. The first week I ate two small meals and overate at dinner. Now I plan three simple meals at 300 calories, which is not much, and three 100 calorie snacks. If I don't use the calories during my snacks, an apple came up 100 cal but an orange was only 60 (as an example) then I use those during the next meal. I earn 600 calories by exercising and I use 300 of those calories divided between the 3 meals to make sure I don't have that "I'm starving" feeling. I love planning and researching so it's not a chore for me to plan my meals for the day or even the week or month......

    :smile: good luck
  • If you're doing a lot of physical activity you're allowed to eat more calories. If you log in what physical activities you've done, the calorie counter will tell you how many more calories you can have that day.
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    try more protein. same calories, but they are burned slower so you feel less hungry. I am lucky, I don't get hungry, but I eat almost all protein and very few carbs. and none of those are junk, fruit and veggies. I even try to stay away from grains, but you really should try them anyway. some people find that oatmeal or grains help curb their hunger. but that doesn't work the best for me. 1200 doesn't seem like a lot, but if you log everything for a few days, I bet you will see a lot of wasted calories. CATLOVER has the right idea.
  • Protein and FIBER!! Fiber keeps you full. So eat lots of fresh fruit and whole grains.
    Try to keep your Fiber intake up and I guarantee you'll stay full longer.:happy:
  • Fruits, veggies, yogurt and water! Protein, too. Lean chicken, or tuna. Packaged starkist tuna steaks are a good source of protein.
  • When I first started logging I couldn't stay within 1400, let alone 1200! However, I looked at my log and saw where I was going wrong.

    My main problem was eating two main meals during the day, so my calories were going way over. I then just started having my main meal at lunch time and then a smaller meal in the evening. I also walked to and from work at a brisker pace, doing about 30 minutes 5 days a week.

    I think my stomach is now starting to shrink or I am getting re-conditioned into better eating as yesterday I had to force myself to eat something else as I had only ate 900 calories and I didn't want my body to go into starvation mode!

    If you're over, go on a little walk after dinner for half an hour if the weather is nice. If you're hungry then munch on a peice of celery. Drinking water before a meal is a great way of feeling fuller. Also, listen to your body. I used to over eat because I never paid attention to when I was full. If you're full and there is still some left, you don't have to finish your plate!

    You will get there, it will just take some time. You need to learn how your body ticks and what your eating habits are and I think this website is the way to go! And good luck :smile:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    When I first started on this site I was told to consume 1290 calories
    I thought..NO WAY..so set a goal of 1400 a day
    At first I was hungry but then I started making better choices and no longer felt hungry
    I still splurge at least once a day on one of the 100 cal sweets, because I have a sweet tooth

    Some options that really work for me and keep me full are FiberOne granola bars (140 cals but big and filling)
    WW or TJ whole wheat low cal bread (80-90 cals for 2 pieces) add 1, 60 cal piece of cheese for a nice grilled cheese...another 90 cals for a egg/cheese sandwich
    I tried many shakes and the EAS shakes really keep me full...only 110 cals
    A can of progresso soup for 200 cals and TJ low fat string cheese, just 60 cals

    I think if you aren't eating the right foods or taking enugh cals and feeling full at the end of the night...it's not going to go over well in the long run
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    that's a good idea, I am having the same problem with 2 meals and the possibility of going over. its always close or just a touch. I count my coffee as breakfast :happy: and I have a protein at 11, lunch is at 1:30, maybe I should eat more then? hmmm...good idea
  • drinkin ALOT of water helps me. also i buy alot of the 100 calorie snacks now. they make em in every kind of snack. eating slower helps me too. i was having a hard time at first too but my stomach "shrank" and i dont get hungry as often. DONT let yourself get too hungry! that is when most of us cave! good luck!
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