Change activity level instead of logging exercise?

barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
I am currently on the lowest activity level (sedetary), but I work out at intense levels every day usually burning between 500-1000 calories on average. I am starting to find it kind of annoying to add on so many more calories every day from my exercise. I would rather just get the number and stick with it & not log any exercise. Has anyone else done this? Does it work well for you?


  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Don't log it if you don't want to and you're not worried about eating those calories back. I log mine just to see that I did it, and to see how many calories I burn in a week. I've found out that eating back my calories really doesn't help me like some say it should though, so I don't see why you'd even bother logging it if you aren't going to eat the calories.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I recently changed my activity to 'moderately active' and don't log my exercise, I only changed it a couple of weeks ago, but it seems to be working great for me. I just monitor it without adding exercise and eat a little less if I didn't exercise or just exercised a little.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I changed mine and still log my exercise calories. I didn't start losing until I did.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    My settings are on "lightly active" even though I am a little more than that on a daily basis because of my two jobs and school - i move around A LOT and am very busy. but then when I workout, I log that as my exercise. and like i said in your other post, I eat back most of my exercise calories.. MFP is different than most sites/programs. because the calorie deficit it gives you for your goal in the beginning is without doing any exercise at all.. so that is why you are 'allowed' to eat back your exercise calories, if you want. it gives you a little more flexibility plus if you are burning a lot, then it gives your body the fuel that it needs.

    in my opinion, if people aren't losing weight then they are eating too little, eating too much, or logging it wrong. (by incorrectly realizing their portions of foods or overestimating how many calories they are actually burning).. in my opinion!
  • lcjwilson34
    lcjwilson34 Posts: 11 Member
    What exercises are you doing to burn 500-1000 calories?
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    running 6 miles
    doing HITT
    + stregnth.
    i work out twice a day at an extremely high level...?
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I burn roughly 700-800 calories in an hour of circuit weight training with an HRM every other day. I've considered bumping up from sedentary and stop logging, but I'm far too much of a control-freak.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    I'm not sure about this site, however in many calculations the "activity level" has to do with your assumed heart rate. A person with a high activity level has a resting heart rate of about 60 beats a minute. A person with low or moderate can be at 80-90 beats a minute or more. This has a lot to do with how high your heart rate has to be to cross into a "calorie burning zone"

    For instance at light exercise of 1.5 times your resting heart rate a high activity heart rate would be at 90 beats a minute. Whereas a person with a moderate exercise level may still be at rest at 90 beats a minute.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    ^ Well, then I guess I'm screwed because I take Adderal. My waking RHR before dosing is 53. After dosing just sitting around I could be anywhere between 85-110. Yeah, going by someone else's HR formula is DEFINITELY not going to work for me.