Newish ! giving it ago again new profile

MrsJenniferLynn Posts: 26 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
im 33 married and so far I don't really know how ive lost 13.4 pounds i do forget to log sometimes and i do eat bad food im no angel. If you looking some new friends and wanna add me work away. Tho i prefer real people with real faces and diary open. im sharing my life with you i don't like it when its not both ways as its very hard when your honest and people make comments but you cant see theres. ive had people i personally know do this and make comments and its like well i cant see yours so ?? I have beer and i do have treats so i would never make anyone feel bad as i no how hard it is and knowone is perfect but you will also see my good days. If i leave out a day if i forget and you wanna know ill let you know if you think it will help u i don't mind.


  • helen195
    helen195 Posts: 90 Member

    feel free to add me! I have an open diary, i think positive comments are much better than negative ones! We are all on here to help each other not make others feel guilty!

    I log my food every day - good or bad. Not really in to beer but do love a Chinese take away and always eat chocolate every day.

    Im 46 married 23 years, two teenage children.
  • eightof11
    eightof11 Posts: 8 Member
    welcome back, again! I have been off and on for some time and came back this week and decided adding friends from MFP is just the added push of motivation i need. I am open all to friends, i mix the good with the bad and have great days and lazy days. Feel free to add and i will do the same. Best!